
Anything about UT2004 mapping, Uscripting & more
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Post by Dalyup! »

I agree that this version is good enough to go on the server. I enjoyed playing it the few times that we did during the match events.

However, I think the mapis not very easy to traverse for footsoldiers. There are quite a number of vehicles, but if the server is full or the vehicles are away, then navigating to nodes can take a long time. To alleviate that, I think there should be jumppads strewn around the map that place players on the walls going through the middle of the map. For example, you could have a jumppad on either side of the core that leads to the a wall, so one here:


Which could then lead to the walls around the primaries, for example here:


In general, making it easier for players to move around the map with jumppads or portals when they lose their vehicle or there are no vehicles available, will make the player experience much better.

It also looks like the bot pathing may need to improved a bit, especially around the middle node. The bots don't seem to be able to get out of the middle node that often with vehicles, here is an example:


This is also visible at the core. Maybe something about the middle structure at the core and the middle nodes confuses them?

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Post by Sedoy »

Thank you Daly for a reply. I will make some more changes
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Post by Sedoy »

Here, I changed a location of vehicles at cores and the central node, so bots could use them more effective (not much but got better). Jumppads at core bases (bots are activelly using them as well) and don't forget to use shieldgun coz landing is quite tough. :D Also I decided to simplify collision of some staticmeshes.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/15qqt8dmw5djn ... 7.rar?dl=0
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Post by Dalyup! »

Hey Sedoy,

Thanks for the changes! The jumppads at the core are a good addition and should make navigating the map a bit easier. I think it would be good to have some around the rest of the map too though, as it can be a long walk to reach anything if your vehicle gets destroyed between nodes.

Right now you offer a jumppad to get to the raptors in the core. Unfortunately, it happens quite often that you hit your head on the roof and fall down. This can be quite frustrating when it happens over and over; I am not sure how you could adjust the trajectory of the jumppad to correct this, so I would suggest you use a portal instead.


Interestingly, the bots didn't touch a primary when I tested it. Any idea why that is?

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png

It'll be certainly interesting to see how the map performs on the server.
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Post by GLoups! »

Dalyup! wrote: Tue 7. Apr 2020, 19:17 Right now you offer a jumppad to get to the raptors in the core. Unfortunately, it happens quite often that you hit your head on the roof and fall down. This can be quite frustrating when it happens over and over; I am not sure how you could adjust the trajectory of the jumppad to correct this, so I would suggest you use a portal instead.
Change the JumpZModifer of the two Jumppads to 0.8 and you're good.
Dalyup! wrote: Tue 7. Apr 2020, 19:17 Interestingly, the bots didn't touch a primary when I tested it. Any idea why that is?

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... nknown.png
May be because there are only white paths in one direction on this very specific node, the returns are blue which gives him a kind of penalty, just a supposition, anyway you could just set the CollisionHeight=100 to the paths at the top of the stairs to fix the blue Paths, in the meanwhile after a few tests, the bots were able to activate it at some points.
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Post by Sedoy »

Thank you guys for your remarks, I'll check everything.
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Post by Sedoy »

So, a short review. I added couple jumppads, not much but i think they are in the best places. Also a new skybox and fog distance. Jumppad at base core is fixed now. Bots are taking all nodes, didn't notice a problem there.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/hs194l9me2zk9 ... 4.rar?dl=0
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Post by Miauz55555 »

I think it's fine now.
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Post by Sedoy »

Decided to make a couple of changes. I exchaged tanks at a middle node to KingHellHounds, also added couple jumppads for your comfort)
Glad to hear Miau that the map is fine.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/00ir1aakh1347 ... C.rar?dl=0
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Post by GLoups! »

Hello Sed, sorry for the delay, i also think that it is much better as it, the addition of fog has greatly improve the fps, however i have some points i leave here while waiting for Ema to take a look at the map which that are only visual and matters for your wisdom: the DistanceFogStart is set to 768 which is a bit low and lead to reduce the visibility on the map, and it shall have no negatif impact to performances to set it to something like 5000, of course all the ZoneInfos should be changed the same way.
Somes others points purely esthetic , the sun in the sky is right in front of the smoke of the volcano, this could be fix by shifting it up or on the sides, lastly somes StaticMesh'NaThAncientPack.Walls.WallN' with culldistances set to 5000 are popping at the bottom of the ramps outside.
In any case you have made a nice map here and this should be underlined because ut2004 good mappers have now become a rare commodity :clap: