UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

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Re: UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Wingnut »

This would be a great pick up not for health but for opening 'shortcut' abandoned doors or a stargate,
access via repair of this pick up would be great for faster node link up.
is your map available for beta test ?
I used to make maps and great for beta testing, nothing worse than a glitch when you think its a final build.
If it's only input suggestions happy to help.
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UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Miauz55555 »

Crusha K. Rool wrote:[...] The health amount and respawn cooldown are open for discussion. I was thinking maybe 300 HP on a 45 seconds cooldown? It should be big enough to be worth a detour if your vehicle is pretty injured but small and long enough that camping with a tanky vehicles does not become viable enough to outlast enemies actively trying to take it down with conventional weapons.
Nice one. How about making them adjustable variables?
Maybe also class selectable or team selectable. =D

Wingnut wrote:[...]is your map available for beta test ? [...]
It's not a map, but a tool which can be used in maps to create awesome things.
We have two maps with Stargates. "M5sMantaMadness" -> Lake in the midle and "Europa-C-M5" -> One on each site in a corridor and one within the 'Borg-Cube' (needs flyer).
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Crusha K. Rool
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UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Crusha K. Rool »

Miauz55555 wrote:
Crusha K. Rool wrote:[...] The health amount and respawn cooldown are open for discussion. I was thinking maybe 300 HP on a 45 seconds cooldown? It should be big enough to be worth a detour if your vehicle is pretty injured but small and long enough that camping with a tanky vehicles does not become viable enough to outlast enemies actively trying to take it down with conventional weapons.
Nice one. How about making them adjustable variables?
Maybe also class selectable or team selectable. =D
There are two issues with making things adjustable:
1. It would prevent the pickup from being used with existing spawner types (like wildcard bases) because the variables would need to be supplied from a custom spawner. Or it would have to be placed directly without a base, but that's kinda dirty.
2. From a game design perspective, it's pretty bad design to have a core mechanic that is inconsistent across different maps. If you take a small health pack, you expect to always get 25 HP. And a small shield always gives 50 armor. You don't simply throw a map in where a small health pack suddenly gives you 50 HP for no reason.

The toolset comes with a "U-Damage Pack Prolonged", which lasts 45 seconds, and a "Mega Shield Pack", which provides 150 armor. However, both of these come with different skins in order to not be mistaken for the regular variants.

Preferably we can settle on a single value and stick with it. Or at least split it into different pickups, like a Repair Pack and a Super Repair Pack.
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Re: UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Miauz55555 »

You have two valid points there. Also when the "dirty play" can be nice. ;)

A small one and a bigger one would be the right way to go. I would probably go for 50 or 75 HP for the small and 45 s respawn time. Because a normal Manta has 200 HP and a small heal should not heal halve of the HP from a vehicle.
For the big one I would probably go for 150 or 200 HP with 45 s respawn time to give a tank the HP it needs but not so much that it will survive a normal tank shell (300 damage).