TESTME Map Feedback

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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by joeblow »

Well first play I couldnt find the next node it was not obvious that you had to fly thru a gap in the mountains that was the worse part.

Weapon lockers were lacking.

Fast flyers are fun for low ping players but for me its impossible to hit them or do anything with.
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

Gotcha. The map could maybe benefit from some "guiding lights" or something like that to make it more obvious where you need to go. Weapon lockers is something we will have to fix on any test map, unfortunately.

Out of curiosity, how do maps like SlatedWorld or AirMars play for you? Do you prefer to sit them out? Or are there features or vehicles on these maps that make them more playable with your ping?
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by joeblow »

Slateworld and Air mars I play but the Raptor rockets dont lock on anything usually. The faster flyers I cant hit them with anything except maybe mini gun for minimal damage. I thought maybe if the speed was reduced of say the Wasp it might make it more fair. Ill try and make a video maybe but with my slow UT comp might be hard to make it look smooth.

The fog hack makes Slateworld very uneven for alot of players. My older computers cant handle Open gl. so I have to play with fog on. The players with the fog off have a huge advantage on this map esp. with the sniper tank on this map.

On DW we changed a lot of the maps to "at night" so the sky was black and little fog. For people with fast computers you can turn your gamma up and see across the map. For people with slow computers you can just play it normal. We did this for Minus tank me up and Dreamus as well.We felt like it made it a more "fair" game for the majority of the players.
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by joeblow »

Downtown map:

I dont remember the rain part of the map. I like it but the FPS seemed lower than I remembered . Not sure if the rain adds to lower FPS or not.

Still one of my favs.
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by M0rph1n3[ie] »

I need to test them a bit more and can't speak of the rain but it was noisy on one of them. Downtown I'd defo keep as it seems to play well and is great fun, seems to be well received. As for any tweaking I'll try get feedback but I can't personally atm see the need to fix it if it's not broken :)

I think DogFight is beyond repair as it's just a vertical type map that's scaled up too much imho. No amount of fast vehicles or raptor variants will save this from the bin as it's not that much fun to play no offense to the maker(s) :)

Meadowland I always liked but it would be much better with the fast scorps in particular and maybe some more aerial options.

Hope that's of some use for now :tup:
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

Aggregated map stats/feedback for the 2nd test batch:

Player numbers and match times are based on our stats database. Player numbers refer not to the number of players all online at the same time, but rather to the number of unique players who were online at some point during the matches.

I've omitted two or three matches with only 1-2 players, who switched the map within less than 3 minutes.

Screenshots kindly provided by Davy.

Matches: 11
Average number of players: 5.45
Average match time: 7m54s
--- Log started on 2022/6/19 19:32:45
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DogFightCaves_Ice ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
19.67 CHAT E_Bola crap on a stick
39.50 CHAT E_Bola where is the tank when u need it
47.69 CHAT SolidState so much VCTF for me, forgot how to play this
50.34 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Oooohhhhhh!! Arctic Junkyard.... <3
80.16 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Enough Raptors = More <3
291.12 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] teams
296.89 CHAT SolidState gg
503.79 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Much fun
505.92 CHAT Oink_Floyd someone teach me how to aim with raptor ffs
525.28 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] We'll enroll you in the next Raptor semester.
--- Log closed on 2022/6/19 19:40:56
--- Log started on 2022/6/20 23:39:3
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DogFightCaves_Ice ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
18.35 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ah this one
28.12 CHAT SolidState i should go play VCTF
29.04 CHAT EmanReleipS thank god it's the one with enough raptors
30.03 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze the bots cant play map
33.89 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Arctic Junkyard
329.79 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze I hate asymmetrical maps
338.31 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ me 3
345.81 CHAT EmanReleipS for some reason I find it really hard to tell where I need to go
352.79 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze use the map
407.73 CHAT EmanReleipS thoughts on this map, peeps?
416.70 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ too fast
417.84 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze it need a lot of work if we decide to keep it
421.44 CHAT SolidState what a shit map
424.23 CHAT Hyden the different base styles are unfair
424.89 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] NIce enough
438.59 CHAT Hyden one can fly over the mountain tops one has a ceiling
439.91 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ye, I would never release a asymmetrical map
445.49 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ put in air mars instead
453.54 CHAT Hyden no stairs is good
480.35 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ make the sky red
--- Log closed on 2022/6/20 23:46:47
--- Log started on 2022/6/23 23:22:45
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DogFightCaves_Ice ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
56.83 CHAT OldJoe5G crazy new map1
58.59 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] ooh spooky
217.16 CHAT OldJoe5G wow ok this ones pretty bad.
229.21 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] yup
438.48 CHAT OldJoe5G painful
446.78 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] agreed that was bad
--- Log closed on 2022/6/23 23:30:22
--- Log started on 2022/6/24 23:13:23
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DogFightCaves_Ice ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
11.02 CHAT E_Bola oh crap this 1
18.41 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] this 1 lol
28.29 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] abandon map!
--- Log closed on 2022/6/24 23:19:14
--- Log started on 2022/6/30 23:47:49
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DogFightCaves_Ice ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
20.95 CHAT My_Name_is_Smal noooooooo
29.58 CHAT My_Name_is_Smal ok play alone !
31.97 CHAT My_Name_is_Smal bye
401.59 CHAT Hyden core seems to phase between realties
410.23 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ? ^^
410.26 CHAT Hyden realities
512.85 CHAT Hyden core shimmers
531.77 CHAT sweetslut wtf with this map
548.52 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ye, the lightning is kind of blinky
611.43 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze this map needs a lot of editing
620.03 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze IF we decide to keep it
637.92 CHAT Hyden but is it reedemable
668.15 CHAT Hyden the premise seems to be raptor to raptor fights with node building considered incidental
684.53 CHAT kanpai tried the map, now I'm happy
684.75 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze needs more nodes and to be symmetric
--- Log closed on 2022/6/30 23:59:16
Own thoughts:
This map got some mixed feedback (negative on the forum, a few peeps here or there who liked it). It could be an interesting raptor/airfight map, but would need a bunch of work, especially on the bases and maybe some guiding lights to navigate it more easily. Stats indicate that players initially checked out the map with a larger group, then later on fewer and fewer people wanted to play this map once they knew what it was. Don't think it would be worth it.

Matches: 11
Average number of players: 8.09
Average match time: 21m0s
--- Log started on 2022/6/19 19:9:1
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-Downtown_Beta4c ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
502.48 CHAT KILLA rain sound is to loud
510.46 CHAT SuperDude yes
1086.87 CHAT Salko i remember this map, many years ago
1503.15 CHAT Spike rain water a bit heavy lol
1516.63 CHAT SolidState radioactive
1517.21 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] yep. It was even raining INDOORS....
1533.23 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] They've got to get the roofing checked out.
1533.96 CHAT WebAdmin do you like the map apart from the loud rain?
1539.21 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Yes
--- Log closed on 2022/6/19 19:32:40
--- Log started on 2022/6/20 23:46:52
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-Downtown_Beta4c ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
19.94 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze this is a neat map
35.29 CHAT EmanReleipS davy the rain is too loud
36.28 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze the rain is way too loud on this
44.22 CHAT EmanReleipS and it rains indoors, too
47.19 CHAT SolidState this map needs an enama
47.78 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze 2 idiots, 1 thought
53.88 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] It IS quite a downpour.
63.61 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze fixing indoor rain isnt easy
90.97 CHAT Hyden this map once had no rain
99.97 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Indeed it did
113.23 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Then, with climate change....
250.68 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ its not raining in the tunnel
376.19 CHAT EmanReleipS well this map seems like something you peeps would like
381.11 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ yeah it good
386.10 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze I like it
387.90 CHAT EmanReleipS gotta check out crusha's edit to see what he changed
395.58 CHAT EmanReleipS stick some more nodes on this map
398.77 CHAT Hyden if Damian likes it it MUST be good
473.45 CHAT EmanReleipS a pally for the bases!
526.38 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze so more nodes and quieting down the rain is on my list
544.96 CHAT EmanReleipS weapon lockers
553.56 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ye that goes for every single map
565.97 CHAT EmanReleipS more pickups maybe
569.97 CHAT EmanReleipS or bigger pickups
619.71 CHAT EmanReleipS are there jumpboots here? they could be fun
673.27 CHAT EmanReleipS I dislike that we need to get really close to the primary before we can shoot it
689.39 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze that prevents camping
717.45 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze I dont like there beeing so many doors leading nowhere
723.44 CHAT EmanReleipS other thoughts about this map?
730.38 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, a lot of rooms are empty
761.82 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Needs more 'goodies' like DD, Armour, etc.
765.97 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze yes
772.77 CHAT EmanReleipS relic yes or no?
775.74 CHAT EmanReleipS *relics
781.73 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze only if easy to reach
790.11 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze otherwise only pro players have the advantage
797.01 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Yes, yes. Relics.
--- Log closed on 2022/6/20 23:59:3
--- Log started on 2022/6/22 23:16:7
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-Downtown_Beta4c ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
595.47 CHAT KillerBee[TM] if ftht was a test, interestin
606.93 CHAT KillerBee[TM] not god not terrible
621.66 CHAT AC[WALES] niuce rain tho
636.68 CHAT Gil-galad the rain sound is too high
645.61 CHAT AC[WALES] sound
647.37 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] agreed gil
--- Log closed on 2022/6/22 23:26:30
Log started on 2022/6/24 0:36:21
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-Downtown_Beta4c ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
18.16 CHAT Pink_Taco too much rain, cya
41.96 CHAT Man_Bear_Pig Small version of Downtown.
45.99 CHAT flat oi. the rain volume needs turned down a bit
54.51 CHAT Man_Bear_Pig I agree. Too louud.
57.78 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] bring on the sun
1748.56 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] like this map but i need my goo gun
1756.72 CHAT AC[WALES] i
1762.08 CHAT beefcakes yeah its sweet
--- Log closed on 2022/6/24 1:4:0
--- Log started on 2022/6/25 0:29:43
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-Downtown_Beta4c ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
16.25 CHAT EmanReleipS prepare for loud rain
17.32 CHAT flat RAIN IS LOUD
17.88 CHAT Hyden the rain :O
20.16 CHAT Blackwood oh boy
25.19 CHAT Sanka my ears
25.78 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] ouch
27.32 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze at least that is an easy fix
29.45 CHAT Ogre how bout a mino
31.51 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] ut3 map
40.25 CHAT Blackwood one late, serialized nodes
50.10 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze but the map itself is nice
59.94 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] great map tbh
64.86 CHAT EmanReleipS aye, just need a few more nodes
85.28 CHAT Blackwood this is a UT3 WAR-ported map, IIRC, by Sanch3z
101.48 CHAT Blackwood although Crusha did some extra work on it, too
123.27 CHAT Blackwood holy shit this rain's ambience; you can barely hear anything
156.54 CHAT Blackwood is 1 a standalone node in this edit?
160.77 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah
166.46 CHAT EmanReleipS for some unknown reason
179.83 CHAT Hyden the original map version did not have this loud rain
194.01 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] its global warming again ffs
210.54 CHAT EmanReleipS you need to escape the rain by going indoors
220.53 CHAT Blackwood eh, probably just one ambientsound actor with its global volume & range props maxed out
228.32 CHAT Blackwood or it's in the weathereffect
250.18 CHAT loucast this map needs the rain sound removed
257.52 CHAT loucast otherwise it's passable
267.04 CHAT Blackwood nah, there's more flawas to it; keep looking
287.42 CHAT Blackwood I can see that Crusha added his destroyable obstacles here to impede tanks' movement
302.00 CHAT Blackwood those can only be taken out by superweaps
314.86 CHAT EmanReleipS he also made an edit of this map with the orb from UT3
315.01 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] aah good to no
342.50 CHAT Blackwood oh ffs, no orb plz; never any of those terrible UT3 mechanics that everyone knowingly abandoned
365.31 CHAT Blackwood wrong person picking up the orb can screw the entire match's course for a team
370.53 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, I'm not too keen on it either
377.26 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] oh thatd be me so
385.45 CHAT Blackwood nodes are supposed to be hard effort to win and defend, not sth to win/lost in a second
388.02 CHAT The%20Internet the textures look nice
410.81 CHAT Blackwood it's a port of a UT3 map by a very skilled modder; of course it looks good
464.32 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] great maps shite game :)
510.78 CHAT Blackwood there's plenty of blocking volumes that extend upwards beyond buildings' roofs that you can reach
520.56 CHAT Blackwood and stand on, I mean
535.43 CHAT EmanReleipS you mean stand in the air, blackie?
539.73 CHAT Blackwood yes
604.70 CHAT Blackwood this edit desperately needs 2 lanes also
609.88 CHAT Hyden wait didn this have a levi
617.63 CHAT Blackwood nope
620.82 CHAT Hyden at node 1
633.75 CHAT Blackwood just a tank, IIRC
652.00 CHAT Blackwood all these standalone weaponbases could be culled to save on channels, too
834.44 CHAT Blackwood there's a deemer in the middle of the sewage ditch, btw
998.19 CHAT Blackwood oh, right, Crusha had added UT3 jumpboots here, too
1101.37 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze gotta remove that paladin
1124.47 CHAT Blackwood I mean, any EONS scorp that manages to reach it can probably deal with it
1153.56 CHAT Blackwood man, this map has more doorways and rooftop access than a Max Payne level
1164.14 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, and a lot of empty rooms
1197.78 CHAT Blackwood can't recall if an EONS EMP deployer was ever added to any edit of this map
1592.88 CHAT Blackwood btw, this one has been hosted on CEONSS before, too; although not this specific edit, IIRC
1610.20 CHAT EmanReleipS blackie you still got that file?
1618.87 CHAT EmanReleipS or the previous meadowland edit?
1629.97 CHAT Blackwood probably
1644.47 CHAT Blackwood I got Downtown_XL ...something
1663.94 CHAT Blackwood it's not worth adding; one lane is a major problem
1673.42 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze adding lanes is not a big deal
1686.46 CHAT Blackwood the second lane would either consist of a single node or you'd just have a standalone; both probs
--- Log closed on 2022/6/25 0:55:22
Own thoughts:
I like this map and I think our peeps do, too. Only problem is that it might be too small to add more nodes and provide meaningful, strategic gameplay. But we could try to utilize the rooftops or some of the unused rooms. Also should ask around our players if there is a larger version of this map that they still have (Blackie mentioned "Downtown_XL", which is hopefully a larger version).
I imagine that adding a few relics (like the health one) or an EMP mine could provide some additional, interesting dynamic to this map.
I think we should edit this one, but first look for the best edit that is already around, to save ourselves some time. Should definitely check out the blocking volumes above the roofs that Blackie mentioned (which allow you to stand in the air), even when working from a different edit, to make sure there won't be any issues there.

Matches: 12
Average number of players: 6.66
Average match time: 10m43s
--- Log started on 2022/6/20 23:14:2
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-EvilMood ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
53.19 CHAT Hyden this looks problematic
428.27 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Why is this map so bereft of vehicles...?
440.72 CHAT Hyden its berefit of fun as well
821.40 CHAT EmanReleipS thoughts?
824.78 CHAT Hyden map = meh
835.39 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Bereft of vehicles
838.11 CHAT Hyden needs way more vehicles
848.06 CHAT Hyden perhaps two more nodes
850.05 CHAT EmanReleipS simple map, but at least you can't get lost
855.08 CHAT Hyden between the existing ones
858.94 CHAT The_Vril_Society i kindof like it. just a touch more vehicles
878.40 CHAT EmanReleipS more vehicles would be easy to add
896.73 CHAT EmanReleipS would you go with a tank me up style for this map, vrilly?
--- Log closed on 2022/6/20 23:27:45

Log started on 2022/6/20 23:27:49
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FBU-Stonehaven ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
18.67 CHAT The_Vril_Society no
23.38 CHAT Hyden crickets :O
27.27 CHAT EmanReleipS okay, thanks
37.92 CHAT The_Vril_Society not sure what kind of vehicle tho, nothing that would dominate
--- Log started on 2022/6/25 1:7:12
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-EvilMood ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
442.53 CHAT Hyden this map is too dull :|
1019.65 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze any thought on this?
1029.46 CHAT Hyden too boring Dave
1032.83 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze why
1037.90 CHAT AC[WALES] um slubish
1037.94 CHAT Hyden it offers nothing special
1044.92 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze like what
1049.91 CHAT AC[WALES] im with hyds
1052.30 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze constructive feedback ^^
1053.66 CHAT Hyden like...anything :O
1062.66 CHAT Hyden too basic
--- Log closed on 2022/6/25 1:23:39
--- Log started on 2022/6/30 23:59:20
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-EvilMood ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
19.22 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze u picked the two worst maps out of the current batch xD
57.64 CHAT Ezaki_Hikaru it is ok
415.14 CHAT flat this map is miles of nothing between nodes
422.41 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze yes
431.12 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze needs more nodes as well
--- Log closed on 2022/7/1 0:10:20
--- Log started on 2022/7/3 0:10:38
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-EvilMood ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
15.04 CHAT Hyden oh gods
20.59 CHAT AnaM0rph05!5[IE] oh noooes
20.92 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] oh no
22.94 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze from one of the best to one of the worst test maps out of this batch ^^
28.56 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] never vote this pls
32.23 CHAT Dalyup! automatically bad
34.62 CHAT AnaM0rph05!5[IE] it hurts!!
47.51 CHAT Hyden so it lives up to its name
49.57 CHAT EmanReleipS lol davy I guess we got our feedback for this one
50.89 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze dogfight and evilmood kind of suck
55.81 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] wmpty map without nodes
88.36 CHAT Blackwood if you trained a generative adversarial neural network on all existing ONS maps
102.50 CHAT Blackwood and then asked it to make one, this is probably what it might come up with
122.96 CHAT Blackwood generic, bland, mostly featureless, barely functional in passing the bar
169.93 CHAT AnaM0rph05!5[IE] yea put some trees and pretty flowers in this map
173.11 CHAT Blackwood I'd say it's about whether it's worth investing time in any of these maps
235.73 CHAT loucast dave, 3 things off the bat
251.97 CHAT loucast better lockers, more vehicles, obstacles at the core
256.27 CHAT loucast so you can't shoot at it straight off
316.11 CHAT AnaM0rph05!5[IE] this map needs a wall in the north also ffs
322.81 CHAT Dead_Dredd need more vehicles
332.33 CHAT Dalyup! can't spawn lol
359.77 CHAT EmanReleipS maybe insufficient spawnpoints?
424.78 CHAT OldJoe5G there is room for vehicle up top of core and spwan points
463.97 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze I will probably make tunnels through the mountain to the right and left of the core
471.75 CHAT loucast not a bad idea
549.92 CHAT Dalyup! terrible map if you are losing
570.37 CHAT Blackwood I wouldn't advise the server staff to bother trying to improve this one at all
600.23 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze I edit more promising maps first
601.22 CHAT Dalyup! the whole design of the map does not lend to improvements
620.25 CHAT Blackwood yeah, it's just so generic
637.58 CHAT Dead_Dredd no defense at core with no avril
--- Log closed on 2022/7/3 0:20:21
Own opinion:
This could work with some additional nodes (maybe inside tunnels like Davy suggested), but that wouldn't solve the problem that this map looks bland to a lot of people. Would probably need a re-texture/different terrain and a bunch of trees to look more appealing, in which case we might as well work off another map. I'd focus our time/effort on other maps to edit for the server.

Matches: 9
Average number of players: 11.55
Average match time: 11m44s
Log started on 2022/6/19 18:41:22
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FBU-Stonehaven ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
916.84 CHAT Spike yer not played that one but likes
949.72 CHAT Spike not sure on the node links but overall good
957.69 CHAT Zilch I didn't like spawning at core. too far to get to vehicle of worth.
--- Log closed on 2022/6/19 18:56:22
--- Log started on 2022/6/20 23:27:49
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FBU-Stonehaven ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
39.21 CHAT EmanReleipS btw hydy try not to fall into the water here
49.31 CHAT EmanReleipS might be hard to get out of it again
81.83 CHAT The_Vril_Society whelp, im lost already
120.43 CHAT EmanReleipS the primaries are behind the bases
176.01 CHAT EmanReleipS I do love this skybox...
244.88 CHAT [IKS]*Fox this map is too big
301.04 TEAMCHAT The_Vril_Society i am surprised how much i like this map already
409.76 CHAT Hyden yes the scale of this map seems unnecessarily large
424.93 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, it would be lovely at half the size
431.51 CHAT The_Vril_Society agreed
436.61 CHAT Hyden thats quite a chore tho
443.96 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, not sure how to do that
492.38 CHAT EmanReleipS davy, is it difficult to shrink maps in the editor? I've never tried that
511.12 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze what do you mean by shrinking
519.60 CHAT Hyden scale it down
520.85 CHAT The_Vril_Society scaling?
559.53 CHAT EmanReleipS having this map be only half its current sizre
561.11 CHAT The_Vril_Society there is some creative stuff here
564.34 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze scaling maps isnt easy
--- Log closed on 2022/6/20 23:38:59
Log started on 2022/6/22 23:36:53
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FBU-Stonehaven ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
29.80 CHAT mazefe anoter ashol map
34.54 CHAT mazefe testNO
625.85 CHAT KillerBee[TM] not sure I like it
632.43 CHAT AC[WALES] nor me
634.63 CHAT KillerBee[TM] once oyu are into sewer, it is 2 hard to crecover
--- Log closed on 2022/6/22 23:47:42
--- Log started on 2022/6/23 23:30:27
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FBU-Stonehaven ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
47.66 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] this one is too painful for me too
379.68 CHAT OldJoe5G there is like no rides on this one
427.17 CHAT OldJoe5G pretty map
491.34 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] joe i remember this being a good map it just needs better vehaklz
500.75 CHAT OldJoe5G yeah i think so
1199.18 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] no wep locker here
1615.05 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] WAY not enough ammo carousels
--- Log closed on 2022/6/23 23:56:14
--- Log started on 2022/6/25 0:10:25
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FBU-Stonehaven ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
19.02 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ah the has to be shrunken map
30.15 CHAT FORS[forsiyskaya.rep omg link setup
35.26 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] more fast scorps
49.55 CHAT Teammate lol @ link setup
127.93 CHAT The%20Internet where is the weapon locker @ 6?
145.23 CHAT Teammate at 6 you craft your own weapons
197.98 CHAT EmanReleipS lol, mapper must have forgotten about weapon lockers @ 6
262.97 CHAT EmanReleipS can't see a weapon locker @ 3 either
325.30 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] nice skybox for speccing
333.97 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, I like the skybox
340.88 CHAT Hyden too dreamy :(
345.51 CHAT Blackwood should be nice; King Mango made this map, after all
428.72 CHAT EmanReleipS note: check walls outside node 3 for missing collisions/terrain holes
774.06 CHAT EmanReleipS I need ebola to play test all of our maps
778.91 CHAT EmanReleipS for tank camping spots
785.70 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ swampica too
970.80 CHAT Blackwood map's a bit too generous with its health pickups, if I'm honest
994.48 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] health pickups and nothing to shoot with
998.00 CHAT Hyden i dislike the limited opportunites for safely getting down from the castle walls
998.81 CHAT Blackwood good pedestrian transit system though
1019.76 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] actually it needs a stairlift
1036.80 CHAT Blackwood nodes 1 and 7 might be redundant, strategy-wise
1055.29 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, I think 1 and 7 could possibly be deleted
1071.05 CHAT EmanReleipS this map also needs a few more ramps to nodes
1080.75 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ its too empty like magic isle
1081.45 CHAT flat and a way out of the canals
1082.07 CHAT EmanReleipS and some ways to get out of the water
1099.46 CHAT flat a jump pad would suffice
1176.59 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] cores are too open too
1190.88 CHAT EmanReleipS thoughts on this map?
1207.68 CHAT Ogre map gud
1218.11 CHAT Blackwood y'all remember that this has been hosted on CEONSS years ago, right? it's not just me?
1227.77 CHAT EmanReleipS I don't remember this
1227.88 CHAT Hyden it's just u :P
1232.87 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] some decorations pls
1245.51 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] it is desert /o\
--- Log closed on 2022/6/25 0:29:38
Log started on 2022/6/30 0:25:53
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FBU-Stonehaven ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
617.22 CHAT candylick omg where are any vehicles!
750.33 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze bots are useless on this map ^^
762.38 CHAT candylick lots of mantas and jumps into the trees would add a lot of fun here
784.01 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ye, I will edit it sooner or later
--- Log closed on 2022/6/30 0:37:50
--- Log started on 2022/7/2 0:6:18
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FBU-Stonehaven ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
20.87 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze do you actually like the primary node to be behind the core?
34.43 CHAT ThunderCat oOooooh fancy map
43.13 CHAT EmanReleipS bola-chan any constructive feedback for this map?
52.20 CHAT My_Name_is_Smal shit map !!
53.16 CHAT E_Bola delete?
64.04 CHAT EmanReleipS that is destructive feedback
163.26 CHAT AC[WALES] wheres weapons lockers
175.79 CHAT AnM0rph05!5[IE] wheres vehicles
208.89 CHAT ThunderCat this map needs dragons
304.85 CHAT OldJoe5G node 1 is BEHIND the core node
314.85 CHAT flat the red planet and blue planet should be where the cores are located via star gates
403.48 CHAT loucast i'm glad you saved me
413.73 CHAT loucast because i couldn't spawn at 3 for some reason
424.02 CHAT My_Name_is_Smal map with njo interest
426.38 CHAT OldJoe5G more fun with more people for sure
430.93 CHAT EmanReleipS note for dave; check spawn points
433.65 CHAT My_Name_is_Smal map with no interest !
439.27 CHAT My_Name_is_Smal change !!
442.87 CHAT AnM0rph05!5[IE] need more planes
454.00 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze player spawn points?
463.68 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze which node
470.03 CHAT EmanReleipS 3 he said
472.97 CHAT AnM0rph05!5[IE] home base
550.46 CHAT AC[WALES] need a few jump pads
605.35 CHAT EmanReleipS I think the colors of the minimap should also be redone, to make the roads more visible
654.37 CHAT EmanReleipS and probs redo the node setup
662.42 CHAT EmanReleipS this one ends too quickly
667.31 CHAT KrZ i'm lost on this map xD
694.45 CHAT OldJoe5G im lost to and i played it 3 times
713.93 CHAT Delrin whats the logic behind this map?
717.56 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze reminder: mute forsis vehicles
--- Log closed on 2022/7/2 0:17:31
--- Log started on 2022/7/3 0:10:38
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-EvilMood ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
550.29 CHAT EmanReleipS so what is everyone's favorite map among the current test maps?
564.34 CHAT Dead_Dredd the last map [Ema's edit: -> KillingGround]
575.47 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] stonesomething
583.81 CHAT OldJoe5G Stonehaven was pretty good with alot of players
Own thoughts:
I like this map a lot, it just seems a little bit too large, especially around the cores. Vehicles are difficult to find. The node layout definitely needs to be changed. The sewers are a little problematic, because you can't get out. I would either make the water deadly or add ramps so players can get out. I would also focus the vehicles on flyers and hovering vehicles (mantas, hover badger, maybe the firebug tank from Minus) so aid in traversing this map, and add a bunch of jumppads. The primaries behind the cores can possibly be removed.
I think this would be a nice addition to our roster after an edit.

Matches: 13
Average number of players: 7
Average match time: 20m23s
--- Log started on 2022/6/19 18:56:27
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FS-KillingGround ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
282.55 CHAT Spike SHOULD IT GO RED BASE - 7 - 8 ?
789.24 CHAT Spike could do with some jump points ?
--- Log closed on 2022/6/19 19:8:56
--- Log started on 2022/6/24 19:8:47
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FS-KillingGround ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
1476.25 CHAT aLEX map is too big for such number of players
1496.01 CHAT FlipFlopKerry yes, too big
1501.71 CHAT FlipFlopKerry and bots suck
--- Log closed on 2022/6/24 19:32:4
--- Log started on 2022/6/25 22:21:43
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FS-KillingGround ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
38.54 CHAT My_Name_is_Smal stupid map... bye
51.65 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] ooh pretty
72.22 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] hills and trees
128.20 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Great. Weapon carousels with no link guns.
128.56 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] wtf no link in lockers?
135.14 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Exactly
216.97 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Nice map but needs some work.
541.31 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] this map needs 64 players
838.86 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] And whilst there are a generous amount of weapons lockers...
856.49 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] the link guns are cheapskate (only load to 70 Ammo).
871.48 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] wheres the boundary of this lol
1400.36 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] gg
1410.31 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] needs more work tho
1415.31 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] and 64 ppl
1427.36 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Yes. Just 5% more elboe grease would make it a nice map.
1435.84 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] * elbow
1443.08 CHAT M0rph1n3[IE] and a link gun plz
1464.16 CHAT Gil-galad yes, they were stingy with the link
1465.41 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Yes. Link gun ammo 220 too please, not a paltry 50.
--- Log closed on 2022/6/25 22:44:20
--- Log started on 2022/7/1 13:37:17
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FS-KillingGround ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
1650.83 CHAT Cisco_DeSilva good map
--- Log closed on 2022/7/1 14:3:33
--- Log started on 2022/7/2 23:42:2
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-FS-KillingGround ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
29.45 CHAT Hyden what the
39.66 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze at least we got enough nodes ^^'
43.33 CHAT AnaM0rph05!5[IE] oh this one without link guns
85.86 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze link gunys missing
98.32 CHAT flat already i dont like it. running around looking for weapons
105.70 CHAT Ogre more link gund
111.24 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze weapon lockers is an easy fix
129.83 CHAT AnaM0rph05!5[IE] need more vehicles at bases
136.88 CHAT flat and regular scorp. uck.
173.91 CHAT AC[WALES] oh this looks nice
179.86 CHAT ]M[ this is very scenic :]
199.12 CHAT AC[WALES] it does look really nice
212.96 CHAT AC[WALES] missing sheep tho
223.06 CHAT EmanReleipS lol, are you going to comment that on all maps?
227.39 CHAT Questy- could do with some weapons
249.26 CHAT EmanReleipS any things to improve apart from weapon lockers and more vehicles?
264.83 CHAT OldJoe5G gonna be pretty low fps for me
291.02 CHAT ]M[ yes this is great except for the lack of sheep & butterflies ;p
293.81 CHAT Blackwood holy shit, I know this one; this one might actually be good!
329.36 CHAT AC[WALES] why arnt there lockers by nodes
374.47 CHAT Blackwood info says map author is some FinalSage person
384.83 CHAT EmanReleipS ever heard of him?
401.10 CHAT Blackwood production values look good, too
408.71 CHAT Blackwood oh, right, the cores' design...
414.73 CHAT Blackwood yeah, that's a prob
421.60 CHAT AC[WALES] hai blacky this mmap looks nice
494.95 CHAT OldJoe5G node 7 is a beer sip node
502.48 CHAT Blackwood some of the smaller nodes' design feels like it's been lifted straight from LonesomeGlen
516.00 CHAT AC[WALES] gud map
540.83 CHAT OldJoe5G Stonehaven was way more fun with a full server yesterday for sure
554.18 CHAT Blackwood midsection's design is varied and intresting enough, methinks
565.10 CHAT EmanReleipS note to dave: texture for the bridge at 9 looks weird
577.99 CHAT AC[WALES] my fave map out nof new 1s
607.97 CHAT Blackwood so 10 spawns a tank, huh?
610.10 CHAT EmanReleipS so you think it has potential, blackie? if we polish it?
613.67 CHAT Hyden lol my scorp bounced off the edge of the waterfall instead of melting
619.80 CHAT Blackwood why you no spawn tank INSIDE THE WATERFALL, map?!?
630.75 CHAT Blackwood like, it's literally right there
634.93 CHAT AnaM0rph05!5[IE] wheres the link guns in lockers ffs
650.15 CHAT AC[WALES] i morph i did say
650.40 CHAT ]M[ more 'nades too plz^
672.47 CHAT EmanReleipS you mean have the tank spawn a bit further back at 10?
677.96 CHAT OldJoe5G twin beamers thru the fog al ready
715.65 CHAT EmanReleipS note to dave: waterfall at 10 has a line through it
720.62 CHAT Blackwood seems the bridge node at 11's got a Iguazu-like situation going on
726.91 CHAT Blackwood an*
732.98 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze the bridge at 9 looks fine to me
734.30 CHAT AC[WALES] this map dosent look like a 18yr old game
736.54 CHAT EmanReleipS seems the two halves have a small gap
765.41 CHAT Blackwood bridge at 9 does indeed look okay; the damn right downstream from it, OTOH is a mess
771.18 CHAT Blackwood the dam*
796.63 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze at least from behind
819.04 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze at least it has collision
825.03 CHAT AC[WALES] hats of to the guy all girl who made it
873.10 CHAT Blackwood this is very much a denial of airspace kinda map, and I'm all for it
886.11 CHAT AC[WALES] cool blacks
886.40 CHAT Hyden that bridge is quite patriotic!
890.52 CHAT Blackwood twinbeamers can actually help their team here instead of being annoying gits
896.43 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ok waterfall is buggy as hell as well ^^
939.09 CHAT Blackwood waterfalls that are both aesthetically pleasing to look at AND good gameplay-wise have been scant
947.03 CHAT flat what the... how my fps drop below 40
955.40 CHAT Blackwood whereabouts are you, flat?
962.71 CHAT OldJoe5G yeah there some holes in the map
962.86 CHAT EmanReleipS at base, flat?
980.42 CHAT AC[WALES] i reallly do likem it like a breath of fresh air
981.38 CHAT flat i will have to find it. i respawned too soon to notice location
985.10 CHAT Surgeon fall to my death
985.94 CHAT Blackwood not holes per se; seems the map's got insufficient blocking volumes
997.26 CHAT EmanReleipS any locations?
1001.19 CHAT Blackwood okay, that WOULD be a hole
1032.02 CHAT Surgeon theres a turret in the grund at 5
1041.24 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze waterfall noted, dam noted, weapon lockers noted
1043.95 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze anything else?
1050.36 CHAT EmanReleipS they want butterflies
1056.76 CHAT EmanReleipS you can steal them from rapanui
1063.55 CHAT AC[WALES] raptor in ground aswell
1065.90 CHAT Blackwood see the map's failing to reward sensible explorations at a number of places (Torlan middle towers)
1068.99 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze where
1081.83 CHAT EmanReleipS at 5 there is a turret in the ground
1082.27 CHAT Delrin node 5
1090.03 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] 40 fps here
1098.66 CHAT EmanReleipS forsy where?
1103.40 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] here
1106.59 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] right here
1108.98 CHAT EmanReleipS at 5
1122.97 CHAT OldJoe5G yeah me to maybe 35
1134.57 CHAT EmanReleipS dave, check fps issues at 5 please
1144.41 CHAT EmanReleipS might also affect node 8
1162.50 CHAT Blackwood wonder if the map might actually be in need of a few additional pedestrian transit conveniences
1173.82 CHAT Blackwood say, a few jumppads at places
1176.90 CHAT EmanReleipS couldn't hurt to add a few jumppads
1179.29 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ yeah or minos
1183.67 CHAT AC[WALES] i black
1190.65 CHAT AC[WALES] jumpads
1193.15 CHAT Blackwood not everything can be solved by throwing minos at it, Damian
1194.87 CHAT EmanReleipS also, new minimap would be nice
1195.98 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ OR mino
1209.37 CHAT Questy- where tf is that bender
1212.02 CHAT Delrin +1
1215.80 CHAT EmanReleipS dave, new minimap
1244.09 CHAT OldJoe5G from node 9 I cant port?
1255.88 CHAT EmanReleipS might not have spawnpoints
1267.01 CHAT OldJoe5G awe ok cant port to node 2
1269.07 CHAT EmanReleipS note to dave: check spawnpoints at 9
1272.52 CHAT EmanReleipS and 2
1315.69 CHAT Blackwood map's mostly fine
1352.97 CHAT Blackwood and, of course, a proper examination of the node setup is warranted here
1366.64 CHAT Blackwood map could use a few deep links and cutoff points
1385.96 CHAT Dalyup! jumppads between the raptors at the core would be nice
1390.30 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze fps look fine
1401.02 CHAT Blackwood at a minimum it should drop the "string of pearls" parts of the setup
1414.34 CHAT Blackwood i.e. serially linked nodes
1421.90 CHAT EmanReleipS you think it has potential if we polish it, blackie?
1426.82 CHAT Blackwood yes
1435.38 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze it can grow
1443.10 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze if we polish it
1449.78 CHAT Dalyup! feels different compared to other maps
1458.60 CHAT EmanReleipS is that good?
1469.78 CHAT flat lol. link is off center
1469.96 CHAT EmanReleipS does it feel like fresh content?
1479.26 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze I get weird frame drops looking at something on the map
1484.62 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze but dunno what it is exactly
1505.14 CHAT Blackwood big-ass trees should probly also be tested for snagging raptors
1525.78 CHAT Blackwood other vecs that could stand to help here: SMPAs, badgers...
1541.17 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ok it is the waterfall
1548.51 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze prolly collision issues
1549.10 CHAT EmanReleipS I was afraid it would be
1554.29 CHAT OldJoe5G yeah i thinks it is
1568.35 CHAT Hyden turn it into a frozen waterfall! no movement then!
1569.26 CHAT OldJoe5G it makes the bridge node like 30 fps
1573.39 CHAT Blackwood the waterfall is impacting client-side performance?
1577.10 CHAT EmanReleipS maybe steal the waterfall from that other map
1612.88 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze or fixing this one
1630.38 CHAT OldJoe5G im getting the no turrets things at node 8 for sure
1693.45 CHAT Blackwood bases design could stand to be reviewed for usability, too, I think
1696.24 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze nah no clue which waterfall map you mean
1768.04 CHAT OldJoe5G there is nothing but a lake behind the waterfall? maybe cut it off
1796.58 CHAT AnaM0rph05!5[IE] got stuck behind waterfall 2
1807.11 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze yes, waterfall needs fixing
1815.60 CHAT AnaM0rph05!5[IE] blame the waterfall
1828.31 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] my map ready for 95%
1839.40 CHAT Dead_Dredd update the lockers so you always start with a link gun
1847.95 CHAT EmanReleipS might have been aeterna, blackie
--- Log closed on 2022/7/3 0:10:33
--- Log started on 2022/7/3 0:10:38
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-EvilMood ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
550.29 CHAT EmanReleipS so what is everyone's favorite map among the current test maps?
564.34 CHAT Dead_Dredd the last map [Ema's edit: -> KillingGround]
Own thoughts:
Good map, but we found a bunch of issues with it during testing, such as fps drops around the waterfall, holes/missing collisions and some areas that you could go to and get stuck (behind the dam). Bases could be reworked and node layout adjusted, but once a few more vehicles are added, this would be a nice addition to our roster. Just seems like a bit of work.
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

Third batch of test maps is on the server now:


Please leave your thoughts here, on discord, or in the in-game chat!
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

Suggestion for Glanum by Hydy and M:

- steal the underground rail system from Grit and add it to Glanum like a monorail system
- alternatively the mine carts from Syrma (if I recall that right)
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

Aggregated map stats/feedback for 3rd test batch:

Player numbers and match times are based on our stats database. Player numbers refer not to the number of players all online at the same time, but rather to the number of unique players who were online at some point during the matches.

I've omitted two or three matches with only 1-2 players, who switched the map within less than 3 minutes.

Screenshots kindly provided by Dave.

Matches: 8
Average number of players: 6.4
Average match time: 14m37s

Matches: 9
Average number of players: 9.8
Average match time: 15m9s

Matches: 9
Average number of players: 5.4
Average match time: 17m36s

Matches: 10
Average number of players: 4.8
Average match time: 11m32s

Matches: 7
Average number of players: 8.1
Average match time: 13m20s
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

I'm getting ready to swap to a new batch this weekend:

ONS-TESTME-IronFist5N (we hosted this one before and had to remove it because of technical issues if I recall it right, might be worth another shot with this earlier edit of the map) Edit: Mixed up IronFist with IronSpine

Please leave your thoughts here, on discord, or in the in-game chat!