UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

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Crusha K. Rool
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UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Crusha K. Rool »

It is done! Mwahahaha!

After more than one year of tedious work and testing and bugfixing and getting overwhelmed with new ideas that want to be implemented, I now managed to actually put out a release!

http://wiki.beyondunreal.com/User:Crush ... ppingTools
(Download link on that page, together with the manual)

In case you didn't hear about my project before:
UMT is a toolset that I created with the goal to put together one single package that would be enough to make any mapper happy without ever feeling like there is something missing.
For this purpose did I code a lot myself but also gathered, with the permissions of the authors, scripts scattered all over the web and bundled them here.
So included are also:
  • Some tools from Jailbreak (renamed to avoid potential conflicts) and Wormbo in general
  • Nova's TeamSpecificActors
  • MarZer's DynamicWeatherActors
  • KillBait's VehicleTeleporter
  • Party Boy's ParallaxSkyZoneInfo
  • Unkown author's KarmaThing

Some highlights from my own stuff:
  • UltimateVehicleFactory (for ONS and VCTF/any gametype separately)
    You can tweak every detail that could matter for balancing. You can even track the vehicle on the radar map, like Leviathans in UT3 are tracked!
  • CullDistanceVolume
    Just put this Volume around your map and it will assign CullDistances based on the mesh's size. A very quick and very efficient way to gain performance. I gained more than 100% average performance in my test map and up to 40 frames difference for both, Min and Max FPS.
  • UltimateRadarMap
    A single Actor that you place in your map and it will give you an ONS-like minimap. It supports tracking of GameObjectives in all default UT2k4 gametypes and 4-teams gametypes as well as Multi-Bombing Run and Triple Domination.
  • UltimateDestroyableEnvironemt
    Looks like a plain StaticMeshActor and behaves in any other way like one, but in fact can this Actor change it's whole appearance based on damage that it takes. It can even spawn physically simulated KActors as wreckage that work in online games.
  • LogicGate
    AND, OR, XOR, NOT, NAND and NOR find their way into the trigger system of the UE2. Together with a whole lot of new Trigger-related Actors and ScriptedActions can you create completely new gameplay mechanics in maps.

Enjoy it and let me know what you think and report any bugs you encounter, although I really hope there are none left after all that testing. :)
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Re: UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by lilalurl »

Congratulations on finishing your project.

Should I post that on all the forums I have seen you post it? You spammer ;) Actually you are quite right to make as much advertising as you can :thumbup:
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Re: UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Crusha K. Rool »

lilalurl wrote:Congratulations on finishing your project.

Should I post that on all the forums I have seen you post it? You spammer ;) Actually you are quite right to make as much advertising as you can :thumbup:
Especially since I kinda know already that 90% of the people will give it a read and ignore it then. :(
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Re: UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Pegasus »

More than a year to finish, huh? Looks like the project this croc coder picked... decided to bite back.

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Seriously though, went through the entire wiki listing/documentation and holy shit! You and Mr. Worms have been keeping busy. Kudos to ya, kiddo, for sticking with and seeing through what was probably a massive coding project. Here's hoping the more imaginative mappers still hovering around the community are already coming up with interesting ideas for new ONS mechanics; hell knows, this aging gametype could use 'em by now. Rest (on your laurels :p) for now if you don't have any other UT-related plans hatching, but don't walk too far away from us (or ONS) just yet. If things go as planned, before the year's done a hefty ONS reform proposal/document I've been drafting for a while (50+ points and counting) will be out and your knowledge and expertise would certainly prove useful in researching and implementing some of the more... exotic concepts in there :). Same goes for every other skilled UT contributor out there as well, naturally - ppl like Wormbo, Kamek, _N_, Wail, Sereval, artificialBeaver... the Epic msg board dwelling coding tribe that I don't know too well (:p), Titan coders (particularly Shambler if he'd feel up to dusting his most popular creation off and giving it some fresh love); anyone who might read that stuff and get inspired to contribute in one last attempt to save ONS from its current locked path to death through irrelevance and player hemorrhaging.

Hmm, seems I got carried away with the daydreaming again so to wrap things up and get back on topic, congrats once again, Crocface and Wormbo. You two definitely have my respect for doing your part in keeping this game alive. Thanks.
Eyes in the skies.
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Re: UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Crusha K. Rool »

Thanks for the kind words and the facepalm-leveled pun. 8-)
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Re: UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Crusha K. Rool »

Updated the download (URL stays the same) since I had some references to an external texture and staticmesh package that are solved now and which used to crash the game with the tools running.
So in case some mapper already downloaded it, I recommend to re-download it.
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Re: UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Crusha K. Rool »

Working on an update to this that fixes a minor bug that would prevent other Mutators from disabling the radar-stuff if they'd so desire.
Will also include at least two more things:

-A mode for the radar in which it only shows enemy vehicles on the radar for a short time after they have been reported by team mates. Should utilize a new console command, though this way it would only be used by players who edit their ini files. The alternatives would be to map it to some hardcoded key for this (bad, as it overrides player's preferences) or to utilize some existing command (maybe one that is not used in ONS but in other gametypes, though I can't think of any). The communication menu would probably a bad idea for this. But maybe might the Use key be a good alternative for this: pressing it will check if a non-empty enemy vehicle is pointed, if it is, it will report it, otherwise it will execute the normal functionality of that key. Might be risky with the Kamikaze pickup, but gambling might be fun. :wohoo:

-I might burn in hell for this, but today I started working on an implementation of the UT3 Orb. Though it shall be customizable for more balancing. For instance can you independently set if it shall be allowed to destroy enemy nodes, to build them up afterwards and/or to shield them from damage if you are close with the orb. You can also set a custom amount of time that a player has to stand uninterruptedly on an enemy Node with the Orb before it actually gets destroyed, thus preventing instant-caps.

It's not really intended to be used widely over ONS but rather for maps that were intended with the Node in mind (yep, still trying to save Downtown from everyone's hate).
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Re: UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Miauz55555 »


Where and how can I toggle bKeepFlyingUpright?

Crushas site implies that it's in the properties, but it's not.

Reason: When you use it with a Manta it acts weard. The same is when u use it with a HoverTank. It will flip upside down.

***Edit: I tryed to add a Karma in the UltimateVehicleFactory, but there is no change.***
Type: bool
For some reason is bKStayUpright set to False for vehicles that are teleported, but that would render any flying vehicle really unstable, so we remember the value and set it back afterwards.
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Re: UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Cat1981England »

You can find under 'none' if you open the class in the console.

editdefault class=VehicleTeleporter

Before editing you'll need to myLevel the package. Remove everything that relies on UltimateMappingTools, rebuild the map and save under a new name, close the editor and restart. Reopen and load the new map, then type this twice,

obj load file=*:\UT2004\System\UltimateMappingTools.u package=myLevel

You'll need to change the * to your directories, then type the first command into the console.

Thanks to Peg for showing me how to do this not so long ago :thumbup:
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UltimateMappingTools [A Crocodile's Legacy]

Post by Crusha K. Rool »

I've been trying myself at 3D modeling (and testing whether exporting into formats supported by UEd3 actually still works) and made a mesh for a pickup that I've been pondering to include in the release of the UMT V2:

(alt link)
(This is just a proof of concept to show the texture and scale. Getting the same glass-effect as other pickups was actually a bit of a challenge. I might turn the shield texture gray-ish for this instead and maybe use a striped pattern like the U-Damage pack.)

I figured that there may be use cases for a type of health pickup that ONLY works on vehicles.
Teamplay via Link Guns should of course still be the preferred means of healing vehicles, especially in combat. But a pickup like this could offer the convenience of getting an instant small health boost on a cooldown without requiring the risk of leaving the vehicle or waiting for a team mate.

The health amount and respawn cooldown are open for discussion. I was thinking maybe 300 HP on a 45 seconds cooldown? It should be big enough to be worth a detour if your vehicle is pretty injured but small and long enough that camping with a tanky vehicles does not become viable enough to outlast enemies actively trying to take it down with conventional weapons.