TESTME Map Feedback

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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

Please post your feedback about our test maps here!

This is the batch that is currently on the server:

- ONS-TESTME-DeathCanyon
- ONS-TESTME-Desolate
- ONS-TESTME-DG-Meadowland-32b
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ONS-TESTME-DG-SandStone Feedback

Post by walnussceons »

Cool, new maps, thanks for that! My notes on ONS-TESTME-DG-SandStone:

Fact: The map ceiling is too high, Raptors can fly out of range but continue harassing.

Otherwise a great map, my personal impressions:
  • The node-to-node lines are a bit hard to see on the mini map. Maybe change the map color or manually redraw the lines?
  • The default Paladin is just so sloooow, maybe use a faster version? The default Scorpion buggy is also boring.
  • There are too many spider mines in the game which often makes infantry combat silly.
  • There are some weird (was the idea "scary?") sound sources placed on the map, e.g. near the base core.
  • The rotating elements (which are a neat idea!) around the core makes the end screen wobble all the time.
  • The fog distance might be too low?
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by joeblow »

I liked them all pretty evenly.

I think node layout on Desolate? can be moved around since the war is all on the center node otherwise.

I only played them all once.
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

Aggregated map stats/feedback for the 1st test batch:

Player numbers and match times are based on our stats database. Player numbers refer not to the number of players all online at the same time, but rather to the number of unique players who were online at some point during the matches.

Omitted one map stat (on Dissonex) that had logged Dally as the only player, who was only testing if all the files are on the server/redirect.

Screenshots kindly provided by Davy.

Matches: 12
Average number of players: 6.16
Average match time: 8m49s

Relevant parts from chat logs:
--- Log started on 2022/6/10 23:23:27
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DeathCanyon ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
69.67 CHAT Hyden was the download greater than 100% for others?
87.08 CHAT Hopeless yes about 300%
93.32 CHAT Hyden k same here
151.50 CHAT Hyden no way to reach the gun lockers if u don't spawn there?
194.04 CHAT Hopeless there are teleporters
212.69 CHAT Hyden k will look
216.18 CHAT Hopeless round things
276.06 CHAT Hyden hmmm
280.43 CHAT Hyden oic
283.51 CHAT Hopeless see?
285.64 CHAT Hyden different!
300.00 CHAT Hyden i've not seen that type before :O
307.02 CHAT Hopeless hmm
313.37 CHAT Hyden have u ?
321.38 CHAT Hopeless hmm no
--- Log closed on 2022/6/10 23:34:3
--- Log started on 2022/6/11 20:28:35
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DeathCanyon ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
122.14 CHAT sweetslut i h8 this alredy
146.56 CHAT Teammate alternative would be to increase speed just like some other server
251.91 CHAT Teammate press X
257.48 CHAT Den'Denny'Else then O
440.91 CHAT sweetslut gg
448.41 CHAT sweetslut this is balls
--- Log closed on 2022/6/11 20:39:56
--- Log started on 2022/6/17 0:26:40
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DeathCanyon ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
62.01 CHAT Walnuss i just got a 340% download?
70.49 CHAT Hyden cool huh?
71.08 CHAT Blackwood yeah, it's not on the redirect, evidently
74.90 CHAT flat wow. the download didnt stop until it got over 300 percent
80.52 CHAT Hyden what the....Blackwood?!?!
91.02 CHAT EmanReleipS it is, or else it would be a lot slower
91.24 CHAT Knoffer»Nec what u mean my name flashing?
114.09 CHAT Blackwood so this is strange to me: I've never seen this map before
129.52 CHAT OldJoe5G BW your joking
130.18 CHAT EmanReleipS I consider this an achievement!
133.30 CHAT flat do you have initial thoughts on the map bw?
135.83 CHAT Blackwood honestly not
139.07 CHAT EmanReleipS we found new stuff!
142.26 CHAT flat or predictions?
160.33 CHAT Blackwood pretty striking theme is my initial reaction
183.14 CHAT Hyden those teleporters are dope!
191.41 CHAT flat it restricts u to narrow ravines. not sure.
211.72 CHAT M0rph1n3 agreed this is rubbish
239.89 CHAT OldJoe5G ok i havent either I cant understand how me and BW concur
242.50 CHAT EmanReleipS does this rubbish have potential to rise above rubbish status though?
256.20 CHAT Walnuss DM-Serpentine - but in ONS
263.18 CHAT Hyden perhaps it just rubb ished people the wrong way
291.31 CHAT Blackwood its node link setup isn't anything to write home about
296.38 CHAT flat perhaps bring in some bulldozers and flatten a few hills...
302.81 CHAT Blackwood just three lanes, no connecting points
306.85 CHAT Hyden not a big fan of needing teleporters just to reach vehiclesa
311.11 CHAT EmanReleipS aye, those will probably need work on all maps that we've found
314.89 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ye, that needs to change
322.54 CHAT Charlie_Harper this sucks
329.48 CHAT M0rph1n3 oh crap
330.03 CHAT Hyden hi Charlie
338.19 CHAT Hyden I didn't even know Charlie could talk :O
355.19 CHAT EmanReleipS it makes his comment even more soul crushing! :(
402.65 CHAT Blackwood okay, so all the jagged terrain ridgelines aren't exactly great, gameplay-wise
(map is quickrounded)
482.98 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze noooo
485.00 CHAT M0rph1n3 lolol
486.47 CHAT Walnuss again.... nooooooooooo
487.72 CHAT Hopeless noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
488.42 CHAT phred ost
489.52 CHAT EmanReleipS lol
489.52 CHAT flat haha u won too fast
494.60 CHAT Hyden just don't get junkyard!
495.82 CHAT OldJoe5G Dry Ice one of my Favs
499.97 CHAT Knoffer»Nec soz dave <3
504.01 CHAT Blackwood aye, DryIce
505.22 CHAT My_Name_is_Smal boooooring map... not again
507.35 CHAT My_Name_is_Smal bye
524.55 CHAT Walnuss just let blue win
544.75 CHAT Blackwood y'all know you can just vote outta this if you don't want to keep playing it, right?
555.15 CHAT Walnuss well, i did vote
556.47 CHAT OldJoe5G its new play it out common guys
561.28 CHAT Hopeless hehe
562.46 CHAT Questy- hehe no
574.80 CHAT Hyden your hehe makes me suspicious :P
584.68 CHAT flat turbo scorps and mantas might make this playable. tanks are slow.
614.47 CHAT Blackwood somehow, I think EONS scorps would make this even worse
618.14 CHAT OldJoe5G yes thank you Ema
687.12 CHAT Blackwood so, purely from observing players' behaviour around the bases, it seems their design's suboptimal
708.27 CHAT Blackwood also, veering from established gameplay lingo with the teleporters' emitter was a bad idea
717.57 CHAT Blackwood visual* language
728.40 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, I don't like that the vehicles are hard to reach
732.44 CHAT Questy- ok finish it
740.63 CHAT Blackwood some just can't intuit that this whirling... thing is supposed to be a teleporter to the top
742.10 CHAT flat if u go with teleporters between nodes, might as well make it a flat map
743.50 CHAT Hyden yes the optics of that functional decision were not adequate
744.71 CHAT Knoffer»Nec gg
745.67 CHAT [IKS]*Fox ez
749.89 CHAT M0rph1n3 finally
751.18 CHAT Knoffer»Nec ez no stress
759.62 CHAT AC[WALES] why r weaspons on top
768.94 CHAT M0rph1n3 and vehaklz
772.46 CHAT EmanReleipS you can spawn up there too
786.94 CHAT Knoffer»Nec lol
793.53 CHAT Blackwood still uncertain about nodes' design here
803.21 CHAT AC[WALES] I DINT SPawn ther once
--- Log closed on 2022/6/17 0:39:24
--- Log started on 2022/6/18 23:29:42
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DeathCanyon ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
26.72 CHAT Hyden hmmm ok, so, needs turbo scorps, jump pads to reach vehicles
29.98 CHAT M0rph1n3 is this THAT map
45.12 CHAT Hyden the map with the power?
51.40 CHAT Hyden the power of voodoo
63.15 CHAT Ogre it was more htan 300
69.83 CHAT flat big piles of scrap metal everywhere. fors would like this map.
79.60 CHAT Hyden :O
105.20 CHAT Hyden this obsession with raised vehicles is peculiar
154.09 CHAT flat raised vehicles? u mean like monster trucks?
173.71 CHAT Hyden no, the way they are parked on raised platforms
289.92 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] wtf map
445.96 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] do u know who is balanced this map?
467.78 CHAT EmanReleipS fors, the test maps are all un-edited
601.85 CHAT Hyden so Ema i said this map needs turbo scorps & jump pads for the vehicles
606.29 CHAT Delrin i dont like them
613.64 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ why
614.45 CHAT Delrin i dont like any of them..
616.36 CHAT ]M[ that was interesting - a few jumps up to vecs plz^
--- Log closed on 2022/6/18 23:39:4
Own thoughts:
It's not terrible, but I'd focus our time/effort on other maps to edit for the server.

Matches: 10
Average number of players: 9
Average match time: 14m38s

(There is some feedback/thoughts from Blackwood about all test maps in this log.)
--- Log started on 2022/6/6 0:37:50
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-Desolate ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
15.01 CHAT AC_[WALES] um wats this
16.22 CHAT flat NEW MAP
17.54 CHAT Hyden hmmm
18.28 CHAT metaexstatic ok
22.28 CHAT Blackwood ah shit, I remember this
22.32 CHAT candylick this is an oldie but a goodie
32.05 CHAT AC_[WALES] never played
33.59 CHAT candylick some places we got stuck I think
37.08 CHAT Hyden shhh Blackwood don't colour peoples expectations~!
41.82 CHAT metaexstatic this is single player map no
44.72 CHAT Greg_J. no my belovd city of detroit in ruins :(
49.94 CHAT flat crap. hit the spectate button. brb
59.65 CHAT Dalyup! built off assets from an assault map probs
71.88 CHAT Blackwood fine, I'll let you all discover this map's... endearing traits on your own
78.49 CHAT Hyden ty
83.74 CHAT Hyden we love u more now
87.27 CHAT EmanReleipS these test maps will all need some work, but pls let us know which ones you personally liked
93.92 CHAT flat ah, i remember now
96.49 CHAT metaexstatic it's barren
96.97 CHAT AC_[WALES] uve played this map blacks
108.50 CHAT metaexstatic no leveling
108.65 CHAT Blackwood let's pull the roster up again n' see what's been added...
126.79 CHAT Blackwood okay, so Meadowland... that one's been tested n' hosted before
129.51 CHAT Hyden can u sort all the testmes together?
132.78 CHAT metaexstatic what is dave email?
141.04 CHAT Blackwood mostly a terrain affair with samey node design, but at least playable
156.43 CHAT AC_[WALES] and diiffs
158.78 CHAT mazefe looks like my home
162.49 CHAT Blackwood might get boring after the first few matches n' abandoned, but at least not a bad look
170.68 CHAT AC_[WALES] i like it
171.67 CHAT EmanReleipS aren't they all together in the mapvote menu?
172.04 CHAT Blackwood then, there's Death Canyon
188.53 CHAT Blackwood IIRC, that's the one that XIceSnake"improved"?
196.21 CHAT metaexstatic yes ema, sorting by name
200.18 CHAT Blackwood by adding superweaps to the lockers?
215.53 CHAT Blackwood I should really check offline to make sure I'm nto remembering some other map
219.97 CHAT EmanReleipS dunno about that, the version on here should be fine
221.15 CHAT Hyden Dissonex fills me with dread tho I know not why :O
233.05 CHAT Blackwood (could there also be a DeathRavine AND a DeathCanyon :s?)
249.76 CHAT Hyden and a death gulch naturally!
250.50 CHAT AC_[WALES] gud choice emas
251.41 CHAT Blackwood moving on, DG-SandStone
270.26 CHAT Blackwood not much to say there, known quantity; bit fun, but the 3 nodes will make it tiresoem/exhausting
285.72 CHAT Blackwood then there's DissonexEXT
291.27 CHAT Blackwood that one's... complex, IIRC
294.68 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, these will all need work, including better node layouts and stuff
309.15 CHAT Blackwood pretty developed, industrial theme IIRC
316.50 CHAT Hyden i wish i could remember the map that was a bunch of burnt out buildings and nodes
322.52 CHAT Blackwood sometimes even getting in the way of terrain traversal
322.52 CHAT Hyden with framework
332.15 CHAT AC_[WALES] think hyds think
334.13 CHAT Hyden and one node way behind a building down a large hill
337.44 CHAT Blackwood Disonnex is an itneresting specimen, IMO
344.52 CHAT Blackwood can't really remember its flaws
352.71 CHAT Hyden oh u will :)
356.87 CHAT Blackwood certainly
358.55 CHAT Hyden ur good at that!
359.88 CHAT Blackwood :p
363.84 CHAT AC_[WALES] lol#
381.00 CHAT Blackwood there's a deemer rotating right above 7, btw
384.68 CHAT candylick gg
385.37 CHAT Hyden sometimes i fear BW arranges shoes on the boot mat near the door
393.81 CHAT metaexstatic not a bad map, plenty vehicles
398.58 CHAT AC_[WALES] blacky knows the flaws na hyds wink wink#
402.44 CHAT EmanReleipS hmm...the numbers on these nodes don't make sense xD
402.73 CHAT Blackwood camera got stuck :/
419.52 CHAT metaexstatic weapon lockers on start dont have link gun
433.59 CHAT metaexstatic this map test for OCD
435.64 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, all these maps will need better weapon lockers
443.69 CHAT Blackwood dunno man, but I hear seven ate nine
450.34 CHAT metaexstatic hope you dont have OCD
459.30 CHAT Dalyup! map would be alright with a different node layout
483.72 CHAT Blackwood it may just be that all the testing of sub par maps might in the end just lead ppl asking...
492.58 CHAT Hyden perhaps the missing node numbers are indicative of a previous version that was modified?
496.07 CHAT Blackwood ...about the return of other, proven ONS maps
507.64 CHAT Blackwood like, say, Tek, Bittersands, etc.
510.98 CHAT Hyden aka maps YOU like :P
526.16 CHAT Blackwood eh, I'm okay with Tek, not actually fond of it
549.70 CHAT Blackwood Bittersands, OTOH, does gel with my recent point about bigger maps helping get the most outta ONS
573.54 CHAT Blackwood you gotta think and work as an actual team instead of instictively dueling to win Bittersands
596.86 CHAT Blackwood AC found a nice perch -aaand he's dead
615.85 CHAT Dalyup! map is meh
617.32 CHAT Hyden k, fail map, next!
619.42 CHAT AC_[WALES] all me
621.18 CHAT metaexstatic map is ok
624.15 CHAT M0rph1n3 meh is right
628.86 CHAT Greg_J. cool the next map is deathmatch rankin please
632.20 CHAT Blackwood for lack of a better word, I'd say the geometry here is... janky
639.18 CHAT EmanReleipS think this could be good with a different node layout?
642.96 CHAT metaexstatic yes
648.54 CHAT Hyden thumbs down, Roman gladiator kill map
658.31 CHAT Blackwood cutthroat Hyden
659.97 CHAT Dalyup! core too exposed, paths to primaries is not intuitive
667.20 CHAT Blackwood try the DIssonexEXT, folks
668.93 CHAT Hyden see? Daly is right!
674.26 CHAT Blackwood there might be some meat on that one ;)
675.43 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, cores will need some cover
677.49 CHAT flat we need a skyscraper map with vertical node layout
677.86 CHAT metaexstatic dissonext next?
681.31 CHAT Dalyup! middle bit should have two nodes
686.12 CHAT Blackwood you mean Thiccarus?
696.22 CHAT EmanReleipS will probs need to move the primaries and add one more node
703.82 CHAT Hyden is there still a good map site with pics
--- Log closed on 2022/6/6 0:48:31
--- Log started on 2022/6/11 0:0:20
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-Desolate ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
66.27 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] If this is too DM, I'll BBL.
102.63 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Heck I vaugely remember this map
114.79 CHAT AC[WALES] me 2 son
131.24 CHAT Hyden i mostly remember hating the middle node
146.23 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Yes. Always an important one innit.
183.44 CHAT Hyden although it does kind of force teamwork since u need defenders for the builders
539.14 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ nu map?
551.52 CHAT Hyden new here but not nu
568.97 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ pre owned map
--- Log closed on 2022/6/11 0:16:53
--- Log started on 2022/6/11 21:10:35
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-Desolate ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
34.53 CHAT Walnuss first impression: too simple
1478.50 CHAT Den'Denny'Else well, for this map I imagine tanks only
1483.53 CHAT Trucidor another bad map
--- Log closed on 2022/6/11 21:34:6
--- Log started on 2022/6/17 23:55:49
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-Desolate ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
38.18 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 my ping jumps fast between 18 and 200 sometimes
144.69 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ is there a car
158.54 CHAT OldJoe5G no i gots no ride Dam sorry
235.25 CHAT OldJoe5G whos minn gun me thru the fog?
238.41 CHAT AC[WALES] only 1 node open
254.90 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 invisible wall on site .. building not closed .. not sure if I like it
273.31 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 what does you all say?
276.46 CHAT OldJoe5G i like this one it is a little buggy with the floor terran
309.19 CHAT OldJoe5G ah ok beefcakes ns all the way accross the map with the mini
310.40 CHAT Delrin i like the lags too
312.39 CHAT Hyden def need defenders at 7 to suceed
340.63 CHAT EmanReleipS huh
344.78 CHAT EmanReleipS invisiwall!
348.34 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 incinceable
378.90 CHAT EmanReleipS mapper was lazy when doing the collisions xD
411.15 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 but I like the tori doors
420.08 CHAT Walnuss map bug: you can sit on the arch near the core and camp there
428.23 CHAT EmanReleipS upper part is the same way
470.96 CHAT EmanReleipS note to dave: the shrine gates have terrible collisions/invisible walls
548.60 CHAT Walnuss i think anything overlooking the core should be made un-campable
595.55 CHAT EmanReleipS at least peeps can learn how to share rides on this map
604.76 CHAT OldJoe5G yeah gonna have to
620.56 CHAT flat u mean like a manta being able to carry more than one player?
627.39 CHAT Hyden lies!~
733.86 CHAT Walnuss node at 4 can be sniped accross from 7 / middle
736.91 CHAT EmanReleipS nooo
743.60 CHAT Hyden invisiwall :O
763.95 CHAT EmanReleipS wallnutty do you think this map would have potential to be decent with more nodes?
765.82 CHAT Walnuss maybe 6 can be sniped, too
796.56 CHAT Walnuss something to remove the center node stalemate, yes
804.13 CHAT EmanReleipS or would it need a ton of changes to the terrain/buildings?
822.53 CHAT Hyden add two nodes on either side of 7?
838.69 CHAT Walnuss i think i'm bad at trying to guess gameplay with other layouts :)
846.22 CHAT candylick I think there was a vferion of this with more nodes on dw
864.33 CHAT candylick nodes behind the litte side walls in the middle
879.53 CHAT flat link 6,4 and 5,3. make 7 a levi spawn.
889.89 CHAT flat or ion spawn
895.88 CHAT Walnuss 6 can be sniped, too
961.73 CHAT Walnuss more nodes in the center, no bottleneck nodes
970.51 CHAT Walnuss and protect the rear nodes more, maybe?
1000.63 CHAT Hyden nodes with roofs? :O
1019.14 CHAT Walnuss a map has these forcefields, forgot which
1029.94 CHAT Walnuss whatever is easiest, or roofs
1031.01 CHAT Blackwood MyRoom?
1035.41 CHAT Hyden the one with the big mountains & caves
1040.33 CHAT Hyden Ranger?
1041.65 CHAT M0rph1n3 just link nodes 4,5 and 3,6
1051.49 CHAT EmanReleipS sandy map
1055.98 CHAT EmanReleipS forgot the name
1073.17 CHAT Walnuss 1 defensive node goint to 2 others is SUPER hard to re-take
1161.39 CHAT OldJoe5G Pally spawns at core if the center node get up is how me made it
1191.55 CHAT M0rph1n3 it needs some nali cows at mid node
1215.32 CHAT Blackwood I see we're at a point where serious feedback's coming in hot n' fast
1242.97 CHAT OldJoe5G that node 4 is frustrating
1243.08 CHAT Greg_J. it like a post nuclear war city i could use some nice flowers or something
1245.43 CHAT M0rph1n3 the cows can defend the node im serious
1258.80 CHAT OldJoe5G there no shots with the tank to defedn
1275.71 CHAT Walnuss yes, 4 should be hard to take, easy to re-take
1286.51 CHAT OldJoe5G its got mines!
1295.10 CHAT candylick seriously, have a look at the dw server they may still have the other desolate version
1310.43 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 weapon lockers have differend weapons
1311.13 CHAT EmanReleipS was that one good, candy?
1314.92 CHAT Blackwood it's not gonna be a marked improvement over this though
1318.48 CHAT OldJoe5G we do but its pretty much the same
1322.21 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 and you spawn to far away
1323.24 CHAT candylick yes it was good
1340.37 CHAT EmanReleipS okay, so which of the new maps do you peeps like the most?
1362.37 CHAT M0rph1n3 diskonectX or something like that
1363.81 CHAT OldJoe5G i think there all equal to me
--- Log closed on 2022/6/18 0:16:32
Own thoughts: I could see this map as a TankMeUp version (similar to Minus or NevermoreTMU), but it does seem a little rough (collisions, lots of places where you can snipe but hard to get rid of the snipers). Unsure, might be be too much work for too little gain.

Matches: 13
Average number of players: 7.3
Average match time: 17m54s
--- Log started on 2022/6/6 1:0:14
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DissonexEXT ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
30.79 CHAT Blackwood IIRC, there's a rotating drill or two somewhere along the midsection
48.79 CHAT EmanReleipS btw you can jump onto the pipes with jumppads
60.58 CHAT EmanReleipS and there are more jumppads on them
68.60 CHAT EmanReleipS you can travel to the nodes via the pipes
89.06 CHAT candylick wow
95.60 CHAT candylick used to really like this one
99.78 CHAT flat i remember this map
105.07 CHAT metaexstatic we member
105.62 CHAT Blackwood okay, so no rotating drills; seems I'm misremembering maps again
122.37 CHAT Blackwood man, there's so many of these left-behind maps
126.08 CHAT EmanReleipS you peeps have positive memories of this map?
164.76 CHAT Blackwood let's see who the author here is
170.27 CHAT Hyden yes!!!
180.04 CHAT Blackwood some Jason Scott chap
180.81 CHAT Hyden maybe it's butterflybo!
209.35 CHAT Blackwood can't say I've come across that name before, but at least the effort here is pretty well-rounded
227.35 CHAT Blackwood the 3-1-3 node setup might be an issue
293.72 CHAT metaexstatic this map is jean sartre
297.58 CHAT metaexstatic embodied
312.56 CHAT flat the oil rig animation is wrong and too slow. needs fixed. major map issue
327.18 CHAT Hyden see? flat knows these things too!
329.90 CHAT Blackwood verisimilitude is VERY important
376.66 CHAT Blackwood also, can we plz hear from an oil industry engineer about actual oil pile elevation height?
386.17 CHAT Hyden omg i know right!
386.94 CHAT Blackwood that too might be off here
391.50 CHAT metaexstatic also, where are the oil spills
399.39 CHAT Hyden and the protestors!
404.83 CHAT EmanReleipS ah, those might be nice details!
407.73 CHAT Blackwood no oil spills because the game is Unreal
413.57 CHAT EmanReleipS we can copy them from shipdock
439.86 CHAT Blackwood okay, bases' design is a bit extra here
455.03 CHAT Greg_J. yes i try to be a good team player
460.69 CHAT Blackwood most other nodes do sport more funcitonal design though
502.19 CHAT flat refinery stacks need flame at the top to burn off waste vapors
511.70 CHAT EmanReleipS oh, that would look cool
532.86 CHAT Blackwood mmm, yes, refineries also need harversters coming n' going to drop off tiberium
535.65 CHAT flat plus the cool factor as bw pointed ou
660.20 CHAT Hyden hmm stuck in nothing at node 2
667.07 CHAT Hyden curious
959.59 CHAT candylick gg
963.56 CHAT M0rph1n3 good map
982.73 CHAT Blackwood this one might actually have some potential, I reckon
991.80 CHAT Blackwood the node setup is an issue though
997.57 CHAT candylick yes bw
--- Log closed on 2022/6/6 1:16:12
--- Log started on 2022/6/11 0:16:58
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DissonexEXT ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
40.90 CHAT SolidState wow, lots of old maps
53.39 CHAT candylick ?
60.02 CHAT Hyden they're called new2u maps :P
77.91 CHAT loucast i can't believe i told ema i like all these maps
86.98 CHAT loucast what was i thinking
98.30 CHAT Hyden so we have u 2 blame
106.05 CHAT loucast lay it on me
111.41 CHAT loucast i blame myself already
188.06 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ 5 is a choke point
212.82 CHAT flat major lag fest at 5
602.27 CHAT flat hmm. 5 seems to be a bottleneck
612.12 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ its a choke
620.09 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] *point
625.30 CHAT Blackwood collar
655.09 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ bw we need you to grade the map
680.73 CHAT Blackwood umm, it's a sold 5.5/10?
697.92 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ its too empty
861.98 CHAT Blackwood experimenting with test maps can be interesting, but plz prioritize good/popular maps after this
869.92 CHAT FlipFlopKerry this is one of those lame maps where everyone fights for the same node for the entire game
888.21 CHAT Blackwood aye, it's node setup is easily its weakest point
906.17 CHAT AC[WALES] always 1 node
1045.99 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Manta's perform uselessly here
1060.50 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ f map
1091.02 CHAT Blackwood saddest part of it all is, this is one of the better maps you're likely to see among the TESTMEs
1127.16 CHAT Hyden did mantas always have those super bright headlites :O
1133.63 CHAT Blackwood and it looks like it's gonna be a full 20mins + OT long match, too
1212.04 CHAT Hyden yes this map drags too much, delete plz!
1216.56 CHAT Blackwood looking through the listed actors, and these seem to be stock ONSPlus mantas
1240.80 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ the mantas dont squash people
1246.64 CHAT Blackwood maybe a mutator?
1251.52 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] yep, they behave lethargically
1256.00 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ beefcake was riding mine
1409.75 CHAT Blackwood okay, so it looks like I was wrong: mantas DO in fact have headlights & assorted corona FX
1451.66 CHAT AC[WALES] always the mid node no others opoen
1462.76 CHAT Blackwood yeah, this is Pretty Bad (TM)
1469.18 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ ugh this map is such a shyron
1489.57 CHAT Blackwood timely reminder that there's always the option to vote out of a map mid-match if enough ppl vote
1493.86 CHAT Hyden it's actually worse than slated world :O
1501.76 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ nooo
1504.78 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ dont u dare say that
1511.85 CHAT Hyden oh I dare!
1533.36 CHAT AC[WALES] i true not this map
1536.96 CHAT Blackwood this one is just 25ish minutes of both teams banging their heads around center
1775.15 CHAT Bisounours boring map
1815.44 CHAT Blackwood 26mins well spent
1825.82 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze I would like to make the pipes travel pipes like hyper tubes
1839.92 CHAT candylick like a hyperloop?
1840.58 CHAT Play77 time investing
1841.98 CHAT Blackwood they're oil pipes, Dave, not pneumatic tubes
1857.30 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze some oil residue cant harm
1858.29 CHAT AC[WALES] have we ppayed all new maps
1860.97 CHAT Dead_Dredd the chokepoint on this map needs fixed
1864.29 CHAT SolidState suck in a bad way
--- Log closed on 2022/6/11 0:45:29
--- Log started on 2022/6/11 20:59:57
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DissonexEXT ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
94.83 CHAT Walnuss this map FEELS too big already
624.27 CHAT Trucidor bad map
642.85 CHAT Den'Denny'Else another testmap
644.40 CHAT Greed learning new map
657.91 CHAT Hesitate played this 1000 times
660.19 CHAT Hesitate too easy
--- Log closed on 2022/6/11 21:10:30
--- Log started on 2022/6/16 23:43:19
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DissonexEXT ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
228.17 CHAT OldJoe5G old DW map I liked this one
596.47 CHAT Man_Bear_Pig Tough map. Everything goes through a single, center node.
893.85 CHAT Hyden why do the mantas have such bright headlights in this map :O
1226.81 CHAT EmanReleipS so which of the test maps do you peeps like the most?
1562.49 CHAT EmanReleipS so which TESTME map is best, peeps?
1573.43 CHAT OldJoe5G this is my frist
1580.48 CHAT Hyden it isnt this one :P
1585.88 CHAT flat all of them. i havent been keeping notes
1623.31 CHAT Man_Bear_Pig This is OK but everything can't go through a single node.
1640.32 CHAT AC[WALES] i pigg i think that
1654.13 CHAT Hyden stupid node 5 messes it up
1669.23 CHAT Hyden no one wants to defend it while others attack
1670.52 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze we could link node 2 and 1
1681.65 CHAT EmanReleipS piggy do you think it could be a cool map if we changed the nodes?
1689.62 CHAT Man_Bear_Pig Yes
1695.60 CHAT OldJoe5G its a bottle neck at 5
1696.78 CHAT AC[WALES] i emas be better
1698.47 CHAT Hyden and add turbo scorps
1734.79 CHAT EmanReleipS yeah, all maps with bottleneck nodes will need some rearranging
1743.61 CHAT EmanReleipS as long as they seem decent otherwise
1749.96 CHAT Man_Bear_Pig There needs to be a "back door" to attack.
1765.02 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze ye like node 2 <-> 1
1773.84 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze or maybe adding new nodes
1794.74 CHAT flat just linking 2 other nodes would probably suffice
1832.33 CHAT M0rph1n3 battle of one node
1857.96 CHAT Charlie_Harper not a good map
--- Log closed on 2022/6/17 0:12:16
Own thoughts: Neutral about this one.

Matches: 10
Average number of players: 10.5
Average match time: 14m15s
--- Log started on 2022/6/6 9:14:13
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-Meadowland-32b ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
1109.19 CHAT DILI GG
1118.52 CHAT DILI Interesting map..
1165.79 CHAT bubba hard to play with bots
--- Log closed on 2022/6/6 9:32:3
--- Log started on 2022/6/6 17:37:1
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-Meadowland-32b ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
60.87 CHAT Naj3b4vac this map looks interestting
--- Log closed on 2022/6/6 17:47:3
--- Log started on 2022/6/11 20:12:53
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-Meadowland-32b ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
994.11 CHAT sweetslut map too big
1001.13 CHAT Den'Denny'Else yeah, too much
--- Log closed on 2022/6/11 20:28:30
--- Log started on 2022/6/12 20:40:25
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-Meadowland-32b ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
33.36 CHAT phred loos like the same old medow
44.27 CHAT Zilch yeah
59.20 CHAT depe who voted for this crap?
382.36 CHAT Hristo_Botev.bg please vote for a decent map next time :)
388.24 CHAT depe +1
--- Log closed on 2022/6/12 20:51:1
--- Log started on 2022/6/17 23:4:31
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-Meadowland-32b ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
46.84 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 looks like scotland
91.47 CHAT AC[WALES] whers the sheep god damit
109.76 CHAT AC[WALES] no wellies for me
160.49 CHAT AC[WALES] ios this newish
160.96 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 =)
198.87 CHAT Hyden new here but not new overall
212.68 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] So just somehwat new then?
218.41 CHAT Hyden new 2 u :D
226.82 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Ah, that's new.
669.47 CHAT Walnuss why are we winning?
676.12 CHAT Hyden because u r
686.11 CHAT Walnuss we werer losing just a sec ago
692.24 CHAT Hyden tides turn
1010.66 CHAT Walnuss why are we losing?
1018.20 CHAT Walnuss we werer winning just a sec ago
1021.54 CHAT Hyden because u complained earlier
1061.72 CHAT _Roxx i dont know
1071.05 CHAT _Roxx winning loosing
1568.02 CHAT EmanReleipS how did you peeps like this map?
1577.75 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] It's good ^
1578.52 CHAT Hyden needs turbo scorps badly
1578.82 CHAT M0rph1n3 good
1592.11 CHAT OldJoe5G I always like meadowlands
1592.33 CHAT phred oldie but good
1597.07 CHAT AC[WALES] it needs sheep
1612.31 CHAT Sonic_[ZA] Maybe a Raptor at another node and a dragon at centre node would add some spice.
1614.52 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 some jumppads for travel maybe
1619.33 CHAT EmanReleipS I did ask dave for some sheep models, but he is busy...
1620.76 CHAT M0rph1n3 and cows
1638.25 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 exploding cows
--- Log closed on 2022/6/17 23:29:24
--- Log started on 2022/6/18 23:39:10
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-Meadowland-32b ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
23.80 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] meadiwland is old
42.93 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] new maaaps <3
60.01 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ i could live on this map
95.31 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ [MAP] i can live here
146.29 CHAT Delrin this map needs much goodies
154.38 CHAT Walnuss map: the paladin, maybe replace it with a faster one
155.29 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ [MAP] too big
377.64 CHAT flat regular scorps? this is insufferable
462.78 CHAT Walnuss indeed, better scorps please
474.46 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ super charged
505.10 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ how about jump pads
515.86 CHAT SirBouncealot would be nice to have relic of haste
519.02 CHAT EmanReleipS so if we polish this map, will you peeps promise to play it?
528.61 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ yea i like it
535.84 CHAT ]M[ this seems quite fun yep
562.51 CHAT ]M[ more ghrenades at ammo pickups plz^
572.25 CHAT flat yes. it will be like that new toy u play with once then throw it in the closet never to be...
577.24 CHAT flat played with againg
579.30 CHAT Walnuss no relics pls :/
583.89 CHAT ]M[ ...and an ion tank in the centre :]
593.08 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ how many minos will be added
601.20 CHAT ]M[ *none* :]
617.65 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ well for real if any map could get a mino its this one
639.18 CHAT EmanReleipS or a levi?
1288.29 CHAT EmanReleipS so peeps...shall we edit this map aye or nay? for the regular roster
1294.83 CHAT [IKS]*Fox i like it
1298.50 CHAT flat turbo scorps
1299.24 CHAT Hyden turbo scorps!
1309.83 CHAT EmanReleipS I interpret that as 2 yesses
1336.00 CHAT Ogre add it
1340.04 CHAT Walnuss map: edit and keep
1344.16 CHAT ]M[ gg - this map works ^
1352.05 CHAT M0rph1n3 like this map
1353.45 CHAT Hyden yes keepy keepy
--- Log closed on 2022/6/19 0:0:37
Discord feedback:
Meadowland Discord Feedback.JPG
Own thoughts: I remember this one, I think Cat once gave it a shot on the server, but it wasn't very popular back in the days. Players seemed to react rather positive this time around. It's also relatively decent already, but needs some work done to the vehicles and traversability of the map. I think we should edit this map for sure and give it another try on our regular roster.

Matches: 10
Average number of players: 10.7
Average match time: 13m35s
--- Log started on 2022/6/11 1:24:7
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-SandStone ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
28.67 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze the node layout needs some work
54.67 CHAT Blackwood it's not just the node layout here
63.09 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze what else?
251.14 CHAT AC[WALES] this map node is ok
649.82 CHAT AC[WALES] ilike this map[
782.23 CHAT Rolling_Stoned where did this map come from?
790.60 CHAT Hyden the Internet
821.13 CHAT flat this is an oldie that was dusted off and put back into circulation
886.54 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 the stallz is to high
915.96 CHAT Blackwood okay, yes, it IS a bit too high
933.08 CHAT Blackwood either htat or the fog's a bit too closely drawn
947.92 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 first is .. the rotating thing around the core is nice, but bad for gameplay
951.81 CHAT Rolling_Stoned curious what it would be like with less fog but at night
1016.27 CHAT [CEONSS]Miauz55555 and why is there a satelit gun
1079.16 CHAT candylick fun map
1083.20 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze I like the rotating stuff
1086.00 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ hey the camera is moving
1089.34 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ im going crazy
1089.67 CHAT AC[WALES] i cands i like it
1091.03 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze makes it more difficult to destroy the core
1094.04 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ im going crazy
1096.02 CHAT candylick the core reminds me of tron
1103.19 CHAT ^_^DAMIAN^_^ is your camera moving
1104.66 CHAT Blackwood eh, you can just stand a bit higher than the panels and shoot downwards
1107.41 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze just position the camera from underneath the core
1118.91 CHAT Rolling_Stoned put this core in tanks a lot
1135.33 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze the ending cam needs to change
1152.22 CHAT flat the tiles should destroy when hit. kinda like UT3
1163.09 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze cool thought flat
1165.44 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze noted
--- Log closed on 2022/6/11 1:41:51
--- Log started on 2022/6/11 20:40:1
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-SandStone ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
175.28 CHAT Walnuss bug: weird sounds at base
679.17 CHAT Walnuss too many spidermines
1225.69 CHAT Cisco_DeSilva good map
1229.14 CHAT Teammate lol does zoom flip for other too?
1229.47 CHAT Den'Denny'Else acceptable map
1233.66 CHAT Teammate on this scene
1235.02 CHAT Greed ya, decent map
1238.25 CHAT Walnuss ceiling needs fixing
1258.23 CHAT Teammate this is the best TESTME map yet
1267.97 CHAT Den'Denny'Else maybe levi in the center)
1284.39 CHAT Walnuss nothing asymmetric which favors the winner
1300.81 CHAT Walnuss levi - if you are losing would be nice
--- Log closed on 2022/6/11 20:59:52
--- Log started on 2022/6/15 17:53:12
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-SandStone ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
1960.39 CHAT Friendly_Dude crap map
--- Log closed on 2022/6/15 18:24:14
--- Log started on 2022/6/17 0:12:21
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-SandStone ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
455.41 CHAT flat dave is somewhre on a rock
465.18 CHAT OldJoe5G in the fog no less
501.14 CHAT AC[WALES] dont mine this map its fine
529.06 CHAT OldJoe5G ndes 3 and 5 are up high
538.28 CHAT OldJoe5G once you get that it pretty fun
663.75 CHAT [IKS]*Fox this jumppad is redarded and leads nowhere
852.35 CHAT 420-DaveTheHaze I guess this is the best map of the new ones
857.93 CHAT AC[WALES] gg io enjoyed that
863.92 CHAT Hyden oh that crazy core effect again
865.35 CHAT Charlie_Harper not bad
--- Log closed on 2022/6/17 0:26:35
--- Log started on 2022/6/19 0:0:42
=== Onslaught.ONSOnslaughtGame ONS-TESTME-DG-SandStone ResSltMut,MutAntiTCCFinal,ONSPlusMutator,MutWheeledVehicleStunts,mutTeamBalance,MutOLGameStats
25.56 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] it is good map
28.43 CHAT Walnuss (i think everyone already said to keep THIS map)
36.25 CHAT [BMS]FORSIETS[Repub] best from new test maps
38.49 CHAT EmanReleipS blackie what is your opinion on meadowlands?
40.18 CHAT Blackwood no need to scream it; it's self-evident
45.77 CHAT Hyden except that crazy core
47.31 CHAT flat this map needs more creepy ambiant sounds in the distance
48.89 CHAT AC[WALES] hahha bw
61.02 CHAT Hyden and dump that turning core!
72.81 CHAT Hyden also turbo scorps
139.06 CHAT Blackwood this is one of the precious few hrs in the week when we have a decent crowd
150.94 CHAT Blackwood no point wasting 'em on rediscovering what we already know abotu substandard maps
249.13 CHAT Walnuss this map lacks a teleport point in the base
267.95 CHAT Blackwood it also lacks a coherent theme :p
269.75 CHAT EmanReleipS teleport to where?
278.35 CHAT Walnuss to any other node
291.80 CHAT Walnuss stand on a node, then you can teleport to another one
302.05 CHAT Walnuss or at core, but the core doesn't allow that because of the spinny thing
316.45 CHAT Blackwood there's a standalone telepad somewhere in this map too, IIRC
318.04 CHAT EmanReleipS ah, that teleport floor thingy, gotcha
336.74 CHAT Walnuss ok the workaround is to stand on TOP of the core
347.39 CHAT EmanReleipS but if we remove the spinny thing from the core, it should be possible to use it to teleport again
399.84 CHAT Hyden it would be cool if the cores all had that creepy MCP face from the 1st tron movie
471.63 CHAT Hyden i am stuck on the mountain above 2 :O
480.02 CHAT Hyden its like glue!
520.36 CHAT EmanReleipS note for later: check mountain between 2 and 4
548.89 CHAT Walnuss wait, how is blue now vulnerable?
563.85 CHAT EmanReleipS nutty it's got 3 primaries
567.19 CHAT Blackwood because 3 and 14 are deep-ish links
594.20 CHAT Blackwood they're the only non-nearest-neighbor connections in a map with 11 damn nodes
645.24 CHAT flat waht is that thing floating in the sky over 6
651.41 CHAT Walnuss i see, maybe this map does have too many nodes :)
686.36 CHAT Walnuss i see, the equivalent node for red is offset, the blue one is not
703.23 CHAT Blackwood that floating thing would be an ion cannon satellite static mesh
731.06 CHAT corsica_nazione fast vehicles for a small map
734.78 CHAT AC[WALES] calm that map is
770.09 CHAT EmanReleipS like or dislike this map?
777.80 CHAT M0rph1n3 funky power core
786.98 CHAT ninjaflex i do'nt like big maps
796.39 CHAT Walnuss (like, as i said)
799.18 CHAT Blackwood big maps can be good too
--- Log closed on 2022/6/19 0:12:57
Own thoughts: Seemed to be received relatively well among our players. I think we should edit this one for the server as well.
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

New/second batch of test maps is on the server now:


Please leave your thoughts here, on discord, or in the in-game chat!
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by joeblow »

I love Downtown, always have, so I cant really be objective. Its a UT3 port so it looks different at least.
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by Miauz55555 »

Is this version the one from Crucha with the Orb?
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

No, it is not. Crusha didn't reply to a pm I sent him a while ago about whether or not we can use his edit (where I also asked if the orb could be removed), so I wanted to leave it for now.
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by joeblow »

Dog fight was just horrible.
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TESTME Map Feedback

Post by EmanReleipS »

joeblow wrote: Sun 26. Jun 2022, 06:37 Dog fight was just horrible.
Do you think it could be a cool map if we add a bunch of different raptor variants?