which, to be circumstancial in case of relevance, is a media key on my F1 key ; the keyboard has a hard switch to enable one or the other symbols on the same key,
Expected Behavior
game not crashing / closing (?),
active media windows, like in firefox or vlc, to play/pause media, but it's probably out of your perimeter, I don't know, so at least just to do nothing.
I made a forum topic for you: https://ceonss.net/viewtopic.php?t=1324
Did it only happen on ceonss? Did it happend every time, on every map? Could you try it on OMNI 2.0 https://www.gametracker.com/server_info ... 3.41:7777/ please .. they should have nearly the same mods, maybe some other versions.
We use: - Even Match, Titan Team Fix, UTComp with ONSPlus, not sure it the vehicle heal thingy is activated. @Ema ?
Can you send the ut (crash) logs after a crash?
Why do you use that extra tool? UT has a dedicated Linux version.
I just tested it on Omni - thank you for the suggestion, nice call - and the game did not crash. It happens regularly on Ceons, yes - I didn't notice a pattern in maps where this occurs, but perhaps that's a relevant factor, i don't know.
It happens sometimes multiple times during a match. I suspect some keyboard keys combinations give me the same results, but it's been very hard to guess what those are.
The play/pause key was one case I found to be very clearly crashing the game.
If you know where I would find the ut log, I'd gladly try to find it. I've been searching online to see if there's a way to have a log file or otherwise access to a log for UE2.5, and I didn't find a solution, I still do not even know if it exists. It would be good to have a log file, indeed, if ut2004 has one?
I use this tool because I had strange issues previously, notably input lag spikes/freeze from the keyboard. Using this solved it.
I also use it because it installs a working ut2004 with very little hassle, it's still a native run engine, and since it's a little less hassle than my previous solution, I like it.
Ut2004 indeed has a linux version, and this tool uses it.
I know omni isn't using Titan Team Fix. Not sure what else not @pOOty ?
Oh, and now I test it again on Ceons, and it doesn't crash. Yesterday it did with play/pause, consistently.
It' been difficult to define the circumstances that are provoking the crashes, but for now what I can say is that those crashes only happened in Ceons.
But not constantly. You haven't saved a crash log from the game than right?
On windows I would may think about the "Large Address Aware Patch for 32Bit Exes" from Relicts and Rayguns.
Haven't seen you edit your post.. the log is normaly within the systems folder, but it's overwritten when restarting. calle d "ut2004.log".
Gil-galad using engine version 3369 on Unix-based 64bit with OpenGLRenderDevice
Most players are using D3DRenderDevice instead, may be worth a try to switch it. You may need to disable the ReduceMouseLag in your UT2004.ini when using the D3DRender (it caused problems under Win 10, dunno about Linux).