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Post by GLoups! »

ONS-Mothership is a map originaly release in 2004 by robo422, here's the original thread, although the map's outstanding qualities have been confirmed, it has not been played a lot on Ons servers, because of the syndromic crash at round end combine with optimizations hard ways.
So after somes long months waiting desperately for a response to edit the map, i've decide to put it here.
The list of changes is long and more in depth than visualy: here are notables fixs: remake bad geometries, anti-portals, fix bots-pathing, the RockingSkyZoneInfo now is working, optimizing lights, a slight smoothing of terrain, visibility, fix bads static-meshes with 3dsmax with 68 materials !!?(hard days for theses ones), bad collisions or collisions per triangles etc..
There are two news classs of turrets, AS-Turrets for ONS compatibility, ONSLinkTurret, ONSBallTurret based on Kamek's code ( OnslaughtToys1), the kamek's package contains somes manuals turrets but theses ones are not automatics, the olds ones are the reason for the servers-crashs, moreover these weren't compatible with OnslaughtSpecials2_RNH.
The vehicle setup is near the same than the old one, except for the vehicles classes, about this subject the KingHellHound reload from the original package has differents weapons, does the weapons have been changed afterward by somes mappers?
The link setup is the same that the original becauses it's obvious and has been debated a long time in the Epic's thread.
The map files has been reduce from 50.8 Mo to 34.1 .
Well, I leave you take a look at it, and trying to find the secret aera.

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Re: ONS-Mothership-C

Post by Miauz55555 »

Very nice and some cool efects.
Thank you GLoups! :thumbup:
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Re: ONS-Mothership-C

Post by Miauz55555 »

  1. I like this "show the fist place"
  2. Could you make the jumpspots to the Raptors in the base a bit more pointing to the midle of the platform? It's very close to miss it.
  3. Some hole in the mountains/Terain where you can go behinde the map.
  4. You can fly over all blocking volumes. Restrict the fly high to the max what is necesary to reach the top of the mothership. In fact above that level it's so foggy that you can see nothing and that means that you don't need to fly that high.
  5. Some holes where you just can look through the map.
  6. Maybe smooth the terain a litle on some edges.
  7. Maybe triger the teleporter to the secret aera.. or put some lava volumes to it and atach them to the "lift-mover".. or a simple stone-staticmesh which is covering the teleporter and moves with the "lift".. as it is now I can park my manta there and fall into the teleporter.^^
  8. Jumppad on 10 same as on the cores
  9. Jumppad on 3 and are very close maybe same as on the cores
  10. Jumppad on 6 is maybe a bit high?
  11. Node 11 you could attack it with the turret on 1.. maybe move the struckture a litle so that it blocks the fire. on 12/4 the same but I don't know if the projectiles come through.
  12. Maybe make the colisions from the teleporters at the base a bit biger so that they fit the animation better?
KingHellHound: Yes the one which is on this map has other weapons.. I somewhere read here that a fwe/one/whatever mapper/s changed Gorzakks package without his knowled and saved it under the same name.. so it's maybe better to load it from the original-package which is on the server/redirect? I would say as long it didn't cause any problem you can put the version you like more.
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Re: ONS-Mothership-C

Post by GLoups! »

Ok i understand now, i took dis KingHellHound from the ONS-[Omni]-FullVehicleLoadout-2013 map, the thing is that the package has been recompiled, may be by Gorzakks himself, because the skymine in the redirect's package is the stock one from ut, and on the map it's KingHellHoundSkyMineEffect, may be another version anyway i've just changed the properties in ued for the lasers that are too powerfull to the hellbender one and alt fire driver weapon throw now somes grenades, anyway i'll have a look to fix your points and post here when it'll done.
KingHellHound properties.jpg
The skymines are a little more powerfull than the stock one.
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Post by GLoups! »


-All the points from Miauz's post are fixed.
-Better performances optimization (Antiportals etc...) .
-Change the vehicle balance, essentially:
-Bases : Falcon replace Raptor, Aegis replace tank, badger replace Assault HellHound.
-Raptor replace Falcon at 6.
-Hephaestus replace tank at 7.
-Add ForcedDirVolume at the borders of the map.
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Re: ONS-Mothership-C

Post by Dalyup! »

Really nice work, Gloups. 11/10

Not much to comment on until I play it with humans but:

- Aegisat core seems virtually useless apart from defending, which seems a waste. Replace with another flyer?
- To follow from above, I think this map will be dominated by those who use flyers well. A team doing well and getting the middle nodes will get an often lot of flyers (although the node layout seems to force spawn people to ground nodes regularly) and the losing team is rather lacking. I think both teams need another flyer at the core, but one that is relatively easy to take down, i.e. a cicada.
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Post by GLoups! »


Thanks for feedback Daly :thumbup:

-Ok replace Aegis by cicada.
-Add SM to door's bases to hide wall's entrance .
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Re: ONS-Mothership-C

Post by Miauz55555 »

Thynk you GLoups! :thumbup:
I really like your solution for the teleporter to the secret area.. looks very nice.

Jumppad to the top at 13 is missing (sorry don't saw that before)
Somehow requiers AS-Junkyard.int from the systems folder (ut deps). Why?
The glases at the cores.. Manta/Raptors stuck somehow on the blocking volumes a bit?
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Re: ONS-Mothership-C

Post by GLoups! »

ONSLinkTurret and ONSBallTurret are a subclass of ASTurret_LinkTurret and ASTurretBallTurret so this file is certainly need in one of its superclass, it's somes messages in english use in AS gametype.
For the blocking volume, it happened sometimes : collision for blocking volumes are less effectives than BSP ones, i think i will check it.
Also the jumppad never been here, i can add one if it's not too high for the top, if not i can put a teleporter.
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Re: ONS-Mothership-C

Post by Miauz55555 »

Ah ok, thx for the short lesson.

On 10 is a Jumppad.. it looks like the same high.. I did'nt measured it.. btw. can you measure in the Editor?
When you walk strait to the Pad at 10 it's ok from the high.. when u walk from the side it's really close. You may take a short look and make 10 and 13 similar.

I think when that is done it can go on the server, if nobody else has something and it's ok for you? :dancegal: