This topic aims to provide some links to tutorials for the Ut2004-Editor and some other useful stuff. To keep it clean: No questions in this topic please. Start a new one or find one which goes in the same direction as your question. If a link is broken write me a PM. Thank you.
A really hughe and good work I found is a tutorial sample collected from "Renegade".. also long death tuts are inside it. I think it's just fair when I link the original post from the UT99.org-forum (the most things are easy to adap into ut2004): https://www.ut99.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4083 there you will find a downloadlink in the first post with the following content:
Some books, some videos and some pagerips. File size: 1.48GB
https://www.mediafire.com/file/ost2p5a2 ... ls.7z/file
A fwe Books which you maybe find on the web:
- The UT2004 Grail
- MasteringUnrealTechnology The Art of Level Design; from Jason Busby (3DBuzz), Zak Parrish, Joel Van Eenwyk
- Unreal Tournament GameProgrammingForTeens from John P. Flynt, PH.D & Brandon Booth
- Unreal Development Kit Game Programming with UnrealScript_ Beginner's Guide from Rachel Cordone (AngelMapper)
- http://www.utzone.de/ (German) Very good site for everything arround Unreal. (Mapping, coding,.. ) Und für alle neuen (und alten) UT-Spieler die des deutschen mächtig sind, ist der UT-Knigge sehr zu empfelen. Please disable your addblocker wile browsing that site to support them.
- http://www.unrealed.info/ (German) Also a very good site for everything arround Unreal.
- http://www.gaming-models.de/ (German) Textures and Models; Short basic Tuts for Blender, 3DStudioMax, Maya, Cinema4D, Photoshop, Gimp, Bodypiant, ZBrush, Sculptris, Mudbox.
- http://oons.wikidot.com/ Wikisite for vehicles, weapons, maps.. everyone can put input in it, also without an account.. to see them click on "Recent changes". When you create a Vehicle/Weapon/Map/.. do us a faivour and put some infos on that page.
- http://www.wailofsuicide.com/code/ut2004/ UT2004 Unrealscript Reference
- http://www.unrealadmin.org/ Nice site where you can may get help with U-Script.
- https://beyondunreal.com/ Good site with many informations about all UT-games. https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/ There Wiki with many costum code where you can get help with mapping and coding.
- https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Legacy:Console_Commands Nearly all console commands which are very helpfull for editing. Another sample.
- https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Legacy:Unreal_Mapping_FAQ As it says "Unreal Mapping FAQ"
- Lode's Unreal - Tutorials (Lighting, Movers, Elevators, ExplodingWalls, BreakingGlas, FaceDrag, Creating a CTF-Map. He also has a Computer Graphics Tut.
- AngelMapper (Rachel Cordones) Tuts: Good overview and some helpfull hinds.
- Unfinished Onslaught Map Creation Tutorial
- https://forums.epicgames.com/Official Forum from Epic.. You may find something.
- http://www.unrealplayground.com/forums/index.php You can find much old maps on that site and you can read the forum but can't register.. also the search funktion is broken.
- https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Main/WebHome.html Editor Tuts.. some very good, but you have to search a bit cause nearly all links was deleted bye Epic since the new engine is out.. so I link some here: SiteMap; Beam Emitters; UnrealScript Development Environment; Emitters (Examples), Emitter Examples – A collection of emitters and useful links
- WolfsBigginerGuide
- UT2004 Beginners Thread by MysTikal Basics about the Game not the Editor. Nearly the same in German. GameTweakGuide
- Wormbos Homepage Many custom mods and other stuff.
- UT2003/2004 Advanced Bot Pathing Tutorial bye Blitz
I will throw in my links when I have time to go through them (I have a lot). You are all free to post links to tutorials or other useful stuff you may have. When you have some experience which isn't written anywhere else, please just post that too. I will try to also put your links in the first post and link your posts here as well.
To make it easier for all, I would like to categorize them. So when you do post a link, please give some hints for what the link is for.
Forum for a whole website like https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/
BotPathing for a special part like https://wiki.beyondunreal.com/Legacy:Bo ... g_Tutorial
In the meantime I will leave this here:
The editor text or messed up windows: This mainly affects the terrain editor (scrollbars disappear, overlapping buttons,..) and the build options. Just delete all under UT2004\System\User.ini » [WindowPositions]
Links to video tutorials:
- Use the "Group" funktion (Big G in the Editor). You may want to Group lightnigs which shall have the same setting. Or from one room. That makes it easier to change and play with the lightning.
- ZonePortals should be always set to last. (Select » RightClick » Order » ToLast) Group them for easy selection all at once.
- With different ZoneLightnig StaicMesh which are in the near from ZonePortals could look weird To avoid that use the same ZoneLightnig or the ForcedVisiblyZoneTag. (ZoneInfoProp » Events » Tag ; StaticMechActorProp » Display » ForcedVisiblyZoneTag) Also for optimization with stucking SM (see AngelMappersTut).
- Manuel exclude the Zones and make "bLonelyZone=True" for optimization. (ZoneInfoProp » ZoneVisibility » ManualExcludes/bLonelyZone » :ZoneInfoHighestNumber) (Ty Gloups)
- Your Ingame Resolution should be multiples off 4 (1900x1006 is working for Windowmode for me). Otherwise the InGame ScreenShot (F9) will appear broken. (Ty Peg, Worm) System » UT2004.ini » [WinDrv.WindowsClient] WindowedViewportX=1900 WindowedViewportY=1006 FullscreenViewportX=1920 FullscreenViewportY=1080
- Jump height = 64 units, Double jump = 132 units, Dodge distance = 320 units, Dodge-jump distance = 720 units
- Always snap to the grid to avoid HallOfMirrors (HOM).
- Keep BSPs as simple as posible.
- Use RGB lightning Build. (Buildoptions)
- Command to grap the current health from cores and nodes ingame: "getall ONSPowerCore Health" also for a specifig core "getall ONSPowerCoreRed Health" (Ty Wormbo)
- Use console commands for optimizing your map like rmode 1,... (see link above)
- If you use Relics and want them staking add: InventoryType=Class'XRelics.XRelicInv$$$' with your relic isted $$$. Working relics are Health, Guns, Haste, Invisible, Radiation, Mutant
- togglescreenshotmode hide the full hud
- Colourchart.. you need the 4 characters.. the first is an arrow which is invisible in that chart but it is there. (Ty Miley) You could use that for example to colerise the description of a map.
- Normal costem (MyLevel) Textures: compress them with DTX1. Will reduce filesice bye up to 90%
- KeyBindes
- togglescreenshotmode command for taking them, SETRES HXBXColour (512X512X32)
- slomo 1 » gamespeed 1x
- Antiportals + InvisibleCullisionHulls in terrain:
When creating an Antiportal it should be as simple as posible and as big as posible without the player stepping into it. On terrain that's sometimes tricky because it's very hard to see if it's under the terrain. Easy way is to create your red-builder brush the sice you think will fit. than move it to the location (like a big hill) rotate (strg+RghtMouse) it in the top-down-few. Than go to the textureBrowser -> UCCGeneric -> choose a solit colour (if your terrain is dark choose white and other way arround). Click the "addBrush" boton. Now you can easy see if there are parts looking out of the terrain. Use the "paint" tool from the terrain editor and a low % like 11 or 17 and lift the terrain there. After that you use the smouthing tool with 1% very carfully. When you are happy go to the top down view, rotate the builder brush one snap (allways snap to gritt), delete your brush (blue), rotate it back, create the AntiPortal. Now edit the builderbrush and make eache site smaller 2x your gritsize (when you had a cube with 512 and your gritt is 16 your new cube will be 512-32=480) press build and rotate it back to it position. Go to your texture browser and select a solit colour like black, go to AddSpecialBrush, select InvisibleCullisionHull and press add/ok. Now 3D view, select one surface, press shift + b to select all 6 surfaces, rightclick, properties, unlit. Done =) - On what to look for a good map?
- Gameplay, 2. FPS, 3. Networkperformance